创世记 - 7; Genesis - 7
March 02, 2008, 03:48 PM posted in General DiscussionAudio for all of Genesis (28mb) Chapter 7 - 22:27 to 25:42
1 | 耶和华对挪亚说,你和你的全家都要进入方舟,因为在这世代中,我见你在我面前是义人。 | ||
2 | 凡洁净的畜类,你要带七公七母。不洁净的畜类,你要带一公一母。 | ||
3 | 空中的飞鸟,也要带七公七母,可以留种,活在全地上。 | ||
4 | 因为再过七天,我要降雨在地上四十昼夜,把我所造的各种活物,都从地上除灭。 | ||
5 | 挪亚就遵着耶和华所吩咐的行了。 | ||
6 | 当洪水泛滥在地上的时候,挪亚整六百岁。 | ||
7 | 挪亚就同他的妻和儿子,儿妇,都进入方舟,躲避洪水。 | ||
8 | 洁净的畜类和不洁净的畜类,飞鸟并地上一切的昆虫, | ||
9 | 都是一对一对地,有公有母,到挪亚那里进入方舟,正如神所吩咐挪亚的。 | ||
10 | 过了那七天,洪水泛滥在地上。 | ||
11 | 当挪亚六百岁,二月十七日那一天,大渊的泉源都裂开了,天上的窗户也敞开了。 | ||
12 | 四十昼夜降大雨在地上。 | ||
13 | 正当那日,挪亚和他三个儿子闪,含,雅弗,并挪亚的妻子和三个儿妇,都进入方舟。 | ||
14 | 他们和百兽,各从其类。一切牲畜,各从其类。爬在地上的昆虫,各从其类。一切禽鸟,各从其类。都进入方舟。 | ||
15 | 凡有血肉,有气息的活物,都一对一对地到挪亚那里,进入方舟。 | ||
16 | 凡有血肉进入方舟的,都是有公有母,正如神所吩咐挪亚的。耶和华就把他关在方舟里头。 | ||
17 | 洪水泛滥在地上四十天,水往上长,把方舟从地上漂起。 | ||
18 | 水势浩大,在地上大大地往上长,方舟在水面上漂来漂去。 | ||
19 | 水势在地上极其浩大,天下的高山都淹没了。 | ||
20 | 水势比山高过十五肘,山岭都淹没了。 | ||
21 | 凡在地上有血肉的动物,就是飞鸟,牲畜,走兽,和爬在地上的昆虫,以及所有的人都死了。 | ||
22 | 凡在旱地上,鼻孔有气息的生灵都死了。 | ||
23 | 凡地上各类的活物,连人带牲畜,昆虫,以及空中的飞鸟,都从地上除灭了,只留下挪亚和那些与他同在方舟里的。 | ||
24 | 水势浩大,在地上共一百五十天。 |
1 | The LORD then said to Noah, "Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation. | ||
2 | Take with you seven of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and two of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate, | ||
3 | and also seven of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth. | ||
4 | Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made." | ||
5 | And Noah did all that the LORD commanded him. | ||
6 | Noah was six hundred years old when the floodwaters came on the earth. | ||
7 | And Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons' wives entered the ark to escape the waters of the flood. | ||
8 | Pairs of clean and unclean animals, of birds and of all creatures that move along the ground, | ||
9 | male and female, came to Noah and entered the ark, as God had commanded Noah. | ||
10 | And after the seven days the floodwaters came on the earth. | ||
11 | In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, on the seventeenth day of the second month--on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened. | ||
12 | And rain fell on the earth forty days and forty nights. | ||
13 | On that very day Noah and his sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth, together with his wife and the wives of his three sons, entered the ark. | ||
14 | They had with them every wild animal according to its kind, all livestock according to their kinds, every creature that moves along the ground according to its kind and every bird according to its kind, everything with wings. | ||
15 | Pairs of all creatures that have the breath of life in them came to Noah and entered the ark. | ||
16 | The animals going in were male and female of every living thing, as God had commanded Noah. Then the LORD shut him in. | ||
17 | For forty days the flood kept coming on the earth, and as the waters increased they lifted the ark high above the earth. | ||
18 | The waters rose and increased greatly on the earth, and the ark floated on the surface of the water. | ||
19 | They rose greatly on the earth, and all the high mountains under the entire heavens were covered. | ||
20 | The waters rose and covered the mountains to a depth of more than twenty feet. | ||
21 | Every living thing that moved on the earth perished--birds, livestock, wild animals, all the creatures that swarm over the earth, and all mankind. | ||
22 | Everything on dry land that had the breath of life in its nostrils died. | ||
23 | Every living thing on the face of the earth was wiped out; men and animals and the creatures that move along the ground and the birds of the air were wiped from the earth. Only Noah was left, and those with him in the ark. | ||
24 | The waters flooded the earth for a hundred and fifty days. |
1 Yēhéhuá duì Nuóyà shuō , nǐ
hé nǐde quán jia dōu yào jìnrù
fāngzhōu , yīnwei zaì zhè shìdaì zhòng
, wǒ jiàn nǐ zaì wǒ miànqián shì
yì rén .
2 Fán jiéjìng de
chùleì , nǐ yào daì qī gōng qī mǔ .
bú jiéjìng de chùleì , nǐ yào
daì yī gōng yī mǔ .
3 Kòng zhòng de
fēiniǎo , yĕ yào daì qī gōng qī mǔ , kĕyǐ
liú zhǒng , huó zaì quán dì shǎng
4 Yīnwei zaì guō qī tiān , wǒ yào jiàng
yǔ zaì dì shàng sì shí zhòuyè
, bǎ wǒ suǒ zào de gè zhǒng huó wù ,
dōu cóng dì shàng chúmiĕ .
Nuóyà jiù zūn zhe Yēhéhuá suǒ
fēnfu de xíng le .
6 Dàng hóngshuǐ fànlàn
zaì dì shàng de shíhou , Nuóyà
zhĕng liù bǎi suì .
7 Nuóyà jiù
tóng tāde qì hé érzi , ér fù
, dōu jìnrù fāngzhōu , duǒbì hóngshuǐ
8 Jiéjìng de chùleì hé bú
jiéjìng de chùleì , fēiniǎo bìng
dì shàng yīqiè de kūnchóng ,
9 Dōu
shì yī duì yī duì de , yǒu gōng yǒu mǔ ,
dào Nuóyà nàli jìnrù
fāngzhōu , zhèng rú shén suǒ fēnfu Nuóyà
de .
10 Guò le nà qī tiān , hóngshuǐ
fànlàn zaì dì shàng .
11 Dàng
Nuóyà liù bǎi suì , èr yuè
shí qī rì nà yī tiān , dà yuān de
quányuán dōu liè kāi le , tiān shàng
de chuānghu yĕ chǎngkāi le .
12 Sì shí
zhòuyè jiàng dà yǔ zaì dì
shàng .
13 Zhèngdāng nà rì , Nuóyà
hé tā sān gè érzi Shǎn , Hán , Yǎfú
, bìng Nuóyà de qīzi hé sān gè
ér fù , dōu jìnrù fāngzhōu .
Tāmen hé bǎi shòu , gè cóng Qíleì
. yīqiè shēngchù , gè cóng Qíleì
. pá zaì dì shàng de kūnchóng ,
gè cóng Qíleì . yīqiè qín
niǎo , gĕ cóng Qíleì . dōu jìnrù
fāngzhōu .
15 Fán yǒu xuèròu , yǒu qìxī
de huó wù , dōu yī duì yī duì de dào
Nuóyà nàli , jìnrù fāngzhōu .
16 Fán yǒu xuèròu jìnrù
fāngzhōu de , dōu shì yǒu gōng yǒu mǔ , zhèng rú
shén suǒ fēnfu Nuóyà de . Yēhéhuá
jiù bà tā guān zaì fāngzhōu lǐtou .
Hóngshuǐ fànlàn zaì dì shàng
sì shí tiān , shuǐ wǎng shǎng zhǎng , bǎ fāngzhōu
cóng dì shàng piāo qǐ .
18 Shuǐshì
hào dà , zaì dì shǎng dàdà
dì wǎng shǎng zhǎng , fāngzhōu zaì shuǐ miàn
shǎng piāo lái piāo qù .
19 Shuǐshì zaì
dì shǎng jíqí hào dà , tiān xià
de gāo shān dōu yānmò le .
20 Shuǐshì bǐ shān
gāo guō shí wǔ zhǒu , shānlǐng dōu yānmò le .
21 Fán zaì dì shǎng yǒu xuèròu
de dòngwù , jiù shì fēiniǎo , shēngchù
, zǒushòu , hé pá zaì dì shǎng
de kūnchóng , yǐjí suǒyǒude rén dōu sǐ le
22 Fán zaì hàndì shǎng , bíkǒng
yǒu qìxī de shēnglíng dōu sǐ le .
23 Fán
dì shǎng gè leì de huó wù , lián
rén daì shēngchù , kūnchóng , yǐjí
kòng zhòng de fēiniǎo , dōu cóng dì
shǎng chúmiĕ le , zhǐ liú xià Nuóyà
hé nàxiē yù tā tóng zaì fāngzhōu
lǐ de .
24 Shuǐshì hào dà , zaì dì
shǎng gòng yī bǎi wǔ shí tiān .
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