Chapter 7
March 15, 2008, 09:52 AM posted in General Discussion0001 Chapter 7
0003 柳原问知她的房间是一百三十号,便站住了脚道:“到了。
0004 ”仆欧拿钥匙开了门,流苏一进门便不由得向窗口笔直走过去。
0005 那整个的房间像暗黄的画框,镶着窗子里一幅大画。那酽酽的,
0006 滟滟的海涛,直溅到窗帘上,把帘子的边缘都染蓝了。柳原向仆
0007 欧道:“箱子就放在橱跟前。”流苏听他说话的声音就在耳根子底
0008 下,不觉震了一震,回过脸来,只见仆欧已经出去了,房门却没
0009 有关严。柳原倚着窗台,伸出一只手来撑在窗格子上,挡住了她
0010 的视线,只管望着她微笑。流苏低下头去。柳原笑道:“你知道
0011 么?你的特长是低头。”流苏抬头笑道:“什么?我不懂。”柳原
0012 道:“有的人善于说话,有的人善于管家,你是善于低头的。”流
0013 苏道:“我什么都不会。我是顶无用的人。”柳原笑道:“无用的
0014 女人是最最厉害的女人。”流苏笑着走开了道:“不跟你说了,到
0015 隔壁去看看罢。”柳原道:“隔壁?我的房还是徐太太的房?”流
0016 苏又震了一震道:“你就住在隔壁?”柳原已经替她开了门,道:
0017 “我屋里乱七八糟的,不能见人。”
0019 他敲了一敲一百三十一号的门,徐太太开门放他们进来道:
0020 “在我们这边吃茶罢,我们有个起坐间。”便揿铃叫了几客茶点。
0021 徐先生从卧室里走了出来道:“我打了个电话给老朱,他闹着要
0022 接风,请我们大伙儿上香港饭店。就是今天。”又向柳原道:“连
0023 你在内。”徐太太道:“ 你真有兴致,晕了几天船,还不趁早歇
0024 歇?今儿晚上,算了吧!”柳原笑道:“香港饭店,是我所见过的
0025 顶古板的舞场。建筑、灯光、布置、乐队,都是英国式,四五十
0026 年前顶时髦的玩艺儿,现在可不够刺激性了。实在没有什么可看
0027 的,除非是那些怪模怪样的西崽,大热的天,仿着北方人穿着扎
0028 脚裤——”流苏道:“为什么?”柳原道:“中国情调呀!”徐先生笑
0029 道: “既来到此地,总得去看看。就委屈你做做陪客罢!” 柳原
0030 笑道:“我可不能说准。别等我。”流苏见他不像要去的神气,徐
0031 先生并不是常跑舞场的人,难得这么高兴,似乎是认真要替她介
0032 绍朋友似的,心里倒又疑惑起来。
0034 然而那天晚上,香港饭店里为他们接风一班人,都是成双捉
0035 对的老爷太太,几个单身男子都是二十岁左右的年轻人。流苏正
0036 在跳着舞,范柳原忽然出现了,把她从另一个男子手里接了过来,
0037 在那荔枝红的灯光里,她看不清他的黝暗的脸,只觉得他异样的
0038 沉默。流苏笑道:“怎么不说话呀?”柳原笑道:“可以当着人说
0039 的话,我全说完了。”流苏噗嗤一笑道:“鬼鬼祟祟的,有什么背
0040 人的话?”柳原道:“有些傻话,不但是要背着人说,还得背着自
0041 己。让自己听见了也怪难为情的。譬如说,我爱你,我一辈子都
0042 爱你。”流苏别过头去,轻轻啐了一声道:“偏有这些废话!”柳
0043 原道:“不说话又怪我不说话了,说话,又嫌唠叨!”流苏笑道:
0044 “我问你,你为什么不愿意我上跳舞场去?”柳原道:“一般的男
0045 人,喜欢把好女人教坏了,又喜欢感化坏的女人,使她变为好女
0046 人。我可不像那么没事找事做。我认为好女人还是老实些的好。
0047 ”流苏瞟了他一眼道:“你以为你跟别人不同么?我看你也是一样
0048 的自私。”柳原笑道:“怎样自私?”流苏心里想:你最高的理想
0049 是一个冰清玉洁而又富于挑逗性的女人。冰清玉洁,是对于他人。
0050 挑逗,是对于你自己。如果我是一个彻底的好女人,你根本就不
0051 会注意到我。她向他偏着头笑道: “你要我在旁人面前做一个好
0052 女人,在你面前做一个坏女人。”柳原想了一想道:“不懂。”流
0053 苏又解释道:“你要我对别人坏,独独对你好。”柳原笑道:“怎
0054 么又颠倒过来了?越发把人家搅糊涂了!”他又沉吟了一会道:
0055 “你这话不对。”流苏笑道:“哦,你懂了。”柳原道:“你好也罢,
0056 坏也罢,我不要你改变。难得碰见像你这样的一个真正的中国女
0057 人。”流苏微微叹了口气道:“我不过是一个过了时的人罢了。”
0058 柳原道:“真正的中国女人是世界上最美的,永远不会过了时。
0059 ” 流苏笑道:“像你这样的一个新派人——”柳原道:“你说新派,
0060 大约就是指的洋派。我的确不能算一个真正的中国人,直到最近
0061 几年才渐渐的中国化起来。可是你知道,中国化的外国人,顽固
0062 起来,比任何老秀才都要顽固。”流苏笑道:“你也顽固,我也顽
0063 固,你说过的,香港饭店又是最顽固的跳舞场……”他们同声笑了
0064 起来。音乐恰巧停了。柳原扶着她回到座上,向众人笑道:“白
0065 小姐有点头痛,我先送她回去罢。”流苏没提防他有这一着,一
0066 时想不起怎样对付,又不愿意得罪了他,因为交情还不够深,没
0067 有到吵嘴的程度,只得由他替她披上外衣,向众人道了歉,一同
0068 走了出来。
April 18, 2008, 03:16 PMZAL, wherever she is, can be proud of her effect on us!
Please, I really am just brainstorming – not trying to force conclusions. After all we are working with both very diffuse and very complex matter ... Much as I am inclined to go on explaining what I said and mean, I suppose we better just continue the translation. Eventually some things may become clear.
April 15, 2008, 09:28 AM0003 柳原问知.... Another deceptively simple sentence..... but what does 问知 mean? Did he know the number in advance, and asked for confirmation, or did he ask, and was told the number? Or is this an entirely different construction?
I was struck, too. My thinking goes: this is Chinese – extreme ability to analyse givens and invite association/conclusion. There is an act of asking, which precedes/ aims at an act of knowing. The person doing it is FL. He asked, now knows. No matter whom he asked – most likely the boy – er hat die Nummer in Erfahrung gebracht, sich nach der Nummer erkundigt (... not quite as efficient)
0005 那整个的房间 And what is the purpose of the 的?
整个 means entire, total-- the 的 is "adjectival", I think
0013 无用的 0014 女人是最最厉害的女人。Why does Liu Yuan have this opinion? Is it because he likes the good old days and the traditional family pattern? Or is it something else?
He is talking about a femme fatale (and means it as a compliment). Have you ever seen a cliche femme fatale who is dusting, cooking, changing diapers? No, she is useless, lounging in a mink coat and smoking cigarettes... ;)
0027 仿着北方人穿着扎 0028 脚裤 I don't understand this - does it have anything to do with the Japanese occupation of the North?
A feminine guess ;) 实在没有什么可看 0027 的,there is really nothing worth seeing, 除非是except 那些 those few怪模怪样的 weird 西崽Western guys,大热的天,who on hot days/in this hot climate 仿着北方人 offending people from the North穿着 are wearing 扎 0028 脚裤 roll up leg pants, their pant legs rolled up——”流苏道:“为什么?”柳原道:“中国情调呀! Liusu asked:Why? And FLY answered: China is sentimental, i.e. the Chinese are so sensitive... ??????? !!!!!!!

April 15, 2008, 10:57 AMI like your analysis of 问知. Two verbs, assumed to be happening after each other. Very minimalistic and Chinese.
I also believe your 整个 argument.
I think that Liu Yuan is talking more specifically about the role as a Chinese concubine - "you would be a 厉害的 concubine". That's not so far from what you are saying. My impression from reading books and seeing movies like "Raise the red lantern" is that the main difference between a concubine and a cliche femme fatale at least in some traditional households was that the former was property.
A wife was something different, for instance our dear fourth lady is not "useless", she is a force in the family that cannot be ignored.
Maybe what he says is really "I'm not interested in getting a wife, but you'd be on my short list for the position as concubine."
I have "西崽 〈trad.〉 servant in a foreign-owned establishment", but thats minor. More importantly I still don't understand why the sensitive Chinese are offended by the pants... is it just because it is western style?
April 15, 2008, 12:11 PMMy ??? were serious -- I am not SURE about the translation. If it stands, it is because -- I think -- traditional Confucian sensitivities were very anti bare flesh. Aha -- so those guys would not have been Westerners necessarily? Thank you! I only put 西 and 崽 together ... additions do not always work out!!
April 16, 2008, 09:38 AMI just realized that the last bit before the new paragraph is rather fuzzy in my mind. 徐先生笑
0029 道: “既来到此地,总得去看看。就委屈你做做陪客罢!” 柳原
0030 笑道:“我可不能说准。别等我。”流苏见他不像要去的神气,徐
0031 先生并不是常跑舞场的人,难得这么高兴,似乎是认真要替她介
0032 绍朋友似的,心里倒又疑惑起来。
Yu urges Liusu to go to the Restaurant on the invitation of another friend. FLY is less than enthusiastic and Liusu begins to have her doubts. Can you put those in words?

April 14, 2008, 07:16 PM0003 柳原问知.... Another deceptively simple sentence..... but what does 问知 mean? Did he know the number in advance, and asked for confirmation, or did he ask, and was told the number? Or is this an entirely different construction?
0005 那整个的房间 And what is the purpose of the 的?
0013 无用的 0014 女人是最最厉害的女人。Why does Liu Yuan have this opinion? Is it because he likes the good old days and the traditional family pattern? Or is it something else?
0027 仿着北方人穿着扎 0028 脚裤 I don't understand this - does it have anything to do with the Japanese occupation of the North?
April 16, 2008, 02:24 PMre my question above: So she has set her mind on FLY and is worried for a moment that she was not brought here on his account and on his instigation? It is funny – I am on the lookout for her feelings, you admire her strategies! :)
0046 我认为好女人还是老实些的好 I'm not at all sure that I have got this .. what about "He felt that a good girl should also be nice."
I am not sure either – it is probably about good= „appearing chaste“ versus good = honest 老实 enough to admit -and act according to -her feelings. So actually I have it the other way around: A good girl might be all the better for being honest... Well – what does it matter finally – we hear him loud and clear as you said it before: in his book she is shortlisted
0058 真正的中国女人是世界上最美的 What's so Chinese about what she has said so far? The devious subtleness of civilization?
Goodness knows. Nothing of the above could not have been said by characters in a Western novel. What may be specific is her adamant resolve to hook him as a husband.
0060 大约就是指的洋派 "You probably meant Westernized."
I was leaning towards politics here: pro West -- but the difference is marginal and the problem of his identity is intense --

April 16, 2008, 05:49 PMI think that we will hear more about her feelings later. But if you see anything already now that I don't see, please tell.
0046 我认为好女人还是老实些的好 I agree that 好女人 means the chaste girl with "approved by Confucius" stamped into her forehead.
But the word "老实" has several meanings - as you say, it can mean "frank, honest", but it can also mean "nice", or even "naive". I suspect that our flighty FLY would be more interested in the "nice" thing than in the "honest" (or even prefer a "naive" and good-looking bimbo, but he wouldn't tell Liusu that).
April 18, 2008, 08:57 AMNot in an argumentative voice at all, just frankly puzzleder and puzzleder: Do we both still realize that Liusu is not a girl but a divorced woman? Her naivete can hardly be deep Confucian chastity-- To what degree will she just be considered damaged goods? To what degree is she already suspect of being less than compliant? We have no idea why she walked away from that former husband, do we?
And what, really, since we are at it with such a fine comb, does FLY mean when he says
0045 人,喜欢把好女人教坏了,又喜欢感化坏的女人,使她变为好女
0046 人。我可不像那么没事找事做。我认为好女人还是老实些的好。
I might almost understand him as saying: Men are always telling women how to be -- when they are shy they teach them to be bad, when they are "naughty", they lecture them ... I like women the way they are.
You want to know about Liusu's feelings -- well, somewhere deep down she must be utterly charmed even if she knows this is just talk --- Wouldn't it be wonderful if he was honest?

April 18, 2008, 02:57 PMNot in an argumentative voice at all, just frankly puzzleder and puzzleder: Do we both still realize that Liusu is not a girl but a divorced woman?
Her naivete can hardly be deep Confucian chastity--
I don't think that she's naive.
To what degree will she just be considered damaged goods? To what degree is she already suspect of being less than compliant? We have no idea why she walked away from that former husband, do we?
She's definitely damaged goods, and she must know. I have thought about why she left her first husband, but I don't know the answer.
And what, really, since we are at it with such a fine comb, does FLY mean when he says ...
Yes, that's the sentence we have been discussing for a while now. I agree that it is important for understanding Liuyuan, and I also agree with your reading of the first lines. I still suspect him of shallowness, but I don't have a smoking gun to show, and I'm not sure that he really says "I like women the way they are".
You want to know about Liusu's feelings -- well, somewhere deep down she must be utterly charmed even if she knows this is just talk --- Wouldn't it be wonderful if he was honest?
Possibly she thinks so. But I don't think that we know that.

April 16, 2008, 11:24 AMI'll try:
0030 流苏见他不像要去的神气,徐 0031 先生并不是常跑舞场的人,难得这么高兴,
Liusu noticed that he was not keen on going, but that Mr. Xu who was not a dancing man seemed excited about it,
0031 似乎是认真要替她介 0032 绍朋友似的,心里倒又疑惑起来。 as if he was actually going to introduce her to friends, which made her unsure (about why she was in Hong Kong).
0041 譬如说,我爱你,我一辈子都 0042 爱你 I wonder if tells this to every girl... and so does Liu Su.
0046 我认为好女人还是老实些的好 I'm not at all sure that I have got this .. what about "He felt that a good girl should also be nice."
0055 你这话不对 So, after all that noise, he admits that he did understand her. And Liu Su of course immediately knows that that is the main point. She's got him now, he is intrigued by her.
0058 真正的中国女人是世界上最美的 What's so Chinese about what she has said so far? The devious subtleness of civilization?
0060 大约就是指的洋派 "You probably meant Westernized."
0061 中国化的外国人,顽固 0062 起来 "very conservative" - I suppose in the sense of supporting the old fashioned Chinese life style. But Liusu is about to turn his words around...
0066 因为交情还不够深,没 0067 有到吵嘴的程度 She's a clever girl.
April 13, 2008, 08:00 AMA while ago, it was decided that this site would temporarily be abandoned to give our third Musketeer the chance of concentrating on the swamp alligators and then rejoin us, victorious. Since it was my idea, I can safely say that it did not work.
So let’s try a different strategy. Let’s set up camp again, tackle ZAL, and hope that our shouts of triumph and noisy head-scratching will attract the occasional sneak-peek, perhaps even an on-the-spur-of-the-moment contribution and– maybe—eventually the full famous two cents of you know who and who knows... In other words: As of now READING will be continued.