Chapter 8
March 15, 2008, 10:02 AM posted in General Discussion0001 Chapter 8
0003 迎面遇见一群西洋绅士,众星捧月一般簇拥着一个女人。流
0004 苏先就注意到那人的漆黑的头发,结成双股大辫,高高盘在头上。
0005 那印度女人,这一次虽然是西式装束,依旧带着浓厚的东方色彩。
0006 玄色轻纱氅底下,她穿着金鱼黄紧身长衣,盖住了手,只露出晶
0007 亮的指甲,领口挖成极狭的V形,直开到腰际,那时巴黎最新的
0008 款式,有个名式,唤做“一线天”。她的脸色黄而油润,像飞了金
0009 的观音菩萨,然而她的影沉沉的大眼睛里躲着妖魔。古典型的直
0010 鼻子,只是太尖,太薄一点。粉红的厚重的小嘴唇,仿佛肿着似
0011 的。柳原站住了脚,向她微微鞠了一躬。流苏在那里看她,她也
0012 昂然望着流苏,那一双骄矜的眼睛,如同隔着几千里地,远远的
0013 向人望过来。柳原便介绍道:“这是白小姐。这是萨黑夷妮公主。
0014 ”流苏不觉肃然起敬。萨黑夷妮伸出一双手来,用指尖碰了一碰
0015 流苏的手,问柳原道:“这位白小姐,也是上海来的?”柳原点点
0016 头。萨黑夷妮微笑道:“她倒不像上海人。”柳原笑道:“像哪儿
0017 的人呢?”萨黑夷妮把一只食指按在腮帮子上,想了一想,翘着
0018 十指尖尖,仿佛是要形容而又形容不出的样子,耸肩笑了一笑,
0019 往里走去。柳原扶着流苏继续往外走,流苏虽然听不大懂英文,
0020 鉴貌辨色,也就明白了,便笑道:“我原是个乡下人。”柳原道:
0021 “我刚才对你说过了,你是个道地的中国人,那自然跟她所谓的
0022 上海人有点不同了。”
0024 他们上了车,柳原又道:“你别看她架子搭得十足。她在外
0025 面招摇,说是克力希纳·柯兰姆帕王公的亲生女,只因王妃失宠,
0026 赐了死,她也就被放逐了,一直流浪着,不能回国。其实,不能
0027 回国倒是真的,其余的,可没有人能够证实。”流苏道:“她到上
0028 海去过么?”柳原道:“人家在上海也是很有名的。后来她跟着一
0029 个英国人上香港来。你看见她背后那老头子么?现在就是他养活
0030 着她。”流苏笑道:“ 你们男人就是这样,当面何尝不奉承着她,
0031 背后就说得她一个钱不值。像我这样一个穷遗老的女儿,身份还
0032 不及她高的人,不知道你对别人怎样的说我呢!”柳原笑道:“谁
0033 敢一口气把你们两人的名字说在一起?”流苏撇了撇嘴道:“也许
0034 是她的名字太长了,一口气念不完。”柳原道:“你放心。你是什
0035 么样的人,我就拿你当什么样的人看待,准没错。”流苏做出安
0036 心的样子,向车窗上一靠,低声道: “真的?”他这句话,似乎
0037 并不是挖苦她,因为她渐渐发觉了,他们单独在一起的时候,他
0038 总是斯斯文文的,君子人模样。不知道为什么他背着人这样的稳
0039 重,当众却喜欢放肆。她一时摸不清那到底是他的怪脾气,还是
0040 他另有作用。
0042 到了浅水湾,他搀着她下车,指着汽车道旁郁郁的丛林道:
0043 “你看那种树,是南边的特产。英国人叫它‘野火花’。”流苏道:
0044 “是红的么?”柳原道: “红!”黑夜里,她看不出那红色,然而
0045 她直觉地知道它是红得不能再红了,红得不可收拾,一蓬蓬一蓬
0046 蓬的小花,窝在参天大树上,壁栗剥落燃烧着,一路烧过去,把
0047 那紫蓝的天也熏红了。她仰着脸望上去。柳原道:“广东人叫它
0048 ‘影树’。你看这叶子。”叶子像凤尾草,一阵风过,那轻纤的黑
0049 色剪影零零落落颤动着,耳边恍惚听见一串小小的音符,不成腔,
0050 像檐前铁马的叮当。
0052 柳原:“我们到那边去走走。”流苏不做声。他走,她就缓缓
0053 的跟了过去。时间横竖还早,路上散步的人多着呢——没关系。从
0054 浅水湾饭店过去一截子路,空中飞跨着一座桥梁,桥那边是山,
0055 桥这边是一堵灰砖砌成的墙壁,拦住了这边的山。柳原靠在墙上,
0056 流苏也就靠在墙上,一眼看上去,那堵墙极高极高,望不见边。
0057 墙是冷而粗糙,死的颜色。她的脸,托在墙上,反衬着,也变了
0058 样——红嘴唇,水眼睛,有血,有肉,有思想的一张脸。柳原看着
0059 她道:“这堵墙,不知为什么使我想起地老天荒那一类的话。……
0060 有一天,我们的文明整个的毁掉了,什么都完了—— 烧完了,炸
0061 完了,坍完了,也许还剩下这堵墙。流苏,如果我们那时侯在这
0062 堵墙根下遇见了……流苏,也许你会对我有一点真心,也许我会对
0063 你有一点真心。”
April 19, 2008, 10:19 AM0005 那印度女人 It seems that she is from India. - or could this include Indochina?
Not according to my dictionary –
0006 她穿着金鱼黄紧身长衣 Gold fish??
She is wearing a long goldfish-yellow dress
0008 像飞了金 0009 的观音菩萨 I know about Guanyin Pusa, but why 飞了?
I am guessing: the gold application flew --- vanished – from the face of the statue – now it is brownish with a gold hue
飞 is given as potentially: evaporate, disappear in my dictionary
0013 这是萨黑夷妮公主 Saheiyini - can we reconstruct her actual name?
I can’t
0021 你是个道地的中国人 I wonder why he insists on this. It certainly gives her an advantage over the princess.
In my opinion FLY has a strong identity problem. Remember his origins and upbringing... Everything genuinely Chinese attracts and perhaps also irritates him at once.
0025 说是克力希纳·柯兰姆帕王公的亲生女 Transcriptions are difficult.. I don't know where this is.
I take this to be the name of an Indian ruler/prince – her father. The first part might be Krsna, the second part ke-lan-mu-pa is up for grabs...
0030 当面何尝不奉承着她 I want this to mean "when she is present, you flatter her", but I can't work it out. 当面 Openly 何尝 how come 不奉承着 NOT flatter 她 her. Another typo?
Not typo, tricky rhetorical device. 何尝 is in my dictionary as „it is not as if“ so I see it the way you do: to their face it is not as if you did not flatter them – „when you are with them you flatter them like crazy...“
0031 我这样一个穷遗老的女儿,The word 遗老 is interesting here. My dictionary suggests "adherent of a defunct dynasty"..:) What about "old fashioned"?
Yes, my dictionary gives „conservative“—

April 19, 2008, 10:42 AMIn my opinion FLY has a strong identity problem. Remember his origins and upbringing... Everything genuinely Chinese attracts and perhaps also irritates him at once.
Yes, I agree about the identity problem - but why does he insist that Liusu is so very Chinese?
0025 说是克力希纳·柯兰姆帕王公的亲生女 Transcriptions are difficult.. I don't know where this is.
I take this to be the name of an Indian ruler/prince – her father. The first part might be Krsna, the second part ke-lan-mu-pa is up for grabs...
Krshna is a great suggestion! I didn't think of that.
Not typo, tricky rhetorical device. 何尝 is in my dictionary as „it is not as if“ so I see it the way you do: to their face it is not as if you did not flatter them – „when you are with them you flatter them like crazy...“
Very good!
April 19, 2008, 02:59 PMWhy does FLY... Maybe Liusu is actually already a bit behind time --- Remember that the story begins with the statement that in the Bai household the clocks were set an hour late against official time? There may have been a part of the Shanghai society which was clinging to the old ways and they may have belonged to it -- which FLY knew from various indications. And as he says: he like other expatriate Chinese has this hankering after tradition.
What I am not sure about: how far is Liusu herself defined by the oldfashioned ways of her family?

April 24, 2008, 04:52 PM0034 柳原道:“你放心。你是什 0035 么样的人,我就拿你当什么样的人看待,准没错。” What he is promising is to see Liusu as she really is. I think that what impresses Liusu is that this is something believable, but difficult. Suddenly, it does not sound like conventional empty words.
0042 指着汽车道旁郁郁的丛林道 "Jungle path" sounds a bit strong... it might be an old name?
0045 一蓬蓬一蓬 0046 蓬的小花 Why the reduplication of 一蓬蓬?
0046 壁栗剥落燃烧着 I don't understand 壁栗, maybe a typo for 壁架, ledge? We are in the tropics, but I am not sure why it is still so hot, the sun is about to set - or am I misinterpreting the 烧s?
0047 那紫蓝的天也熏红了 I suppose that 熏 is a typo for 黑? The blue sky was turning dark red?
0049 不成腔 "not like music"??
0057 死的颜色 "dull colour"?
0062 流苏,也许你会对我有一点真心 This sounds more conventional to me. Like "you will be mine in our next life".. but maybe not to a Chinese girl.
April 24, 2008, 07:28 PM0034 柳原道:“你放心。你是什 0035 么样的人,我就拿你当什么样的人看待,准没错。” What he is promising is to see Liusu as she really is. I think that what impresses Liusu is that this is something believable, but difficult. Suddenly, it does not sound like conventional empty words.
Mhmm. There are moments when I want to believe in a happy end...
0042 指着汽车道旁郁郁的丛林道 "Jungle path" sounds a bit strong... it might be an old name?
I could imagine that it just mean thicket, a mass of trees and bushes in their natural state -- dark and impenetrable
0045 一蓬蓬一蓬 0046 蓬的小花 Why the reduplication of 一蓬蓬?
I like it – manymany many many little blossoms all in a row--- it is no typo
0046 壁栗剥落燃烧着 I don't understand 壁栗, maybe a typo for 壁架, ledge? We are in the tropics, but I am not sure why it is still so hot, the sun is about to set - or am I misinterpreting the 烧s?
No typo according to my book, just ZAL waxing very poetic. The way I understand it after a long search through my dixies is that 壁栗剥落 is onomatopoeic to make the burning audible – (you are free to disbelieve...) and the 烧 are meant for the color of the flowers.
0047 那紫蓝的天也熏红了 I suppose that 熏 is a typo for 黑? The blue sky was turning dark red?
Again –poetry not typo. The red is like a smoke ... a cloud (as of incense) colouring the otherwise blackblue night sky
0049 不成腔 "not like music"??
„tuneless“? it is compared to the erratic jingling of bells
0057 死的颜色 "dull colour"?
Maybe actually like deadly pale – after all he begins to talk about a kind of apocalyptic end of everything
0062 流苏,也许你会对我有一点真心 This sounds more conventional to me. Like "you will be mine in our next life".. but maybe not to a Chinese girl.
Actually I did not think of „We have 緣 分 „ here –- it sounds more like a premonition of the war to come, of civilizations clashing --- and it does not sound conventional to me but strangely gloomy-doomy – as if he knew about the gap separating them.

April 25, 2008, 01:51 PMOf course your are right, it is already night, so the red cannot be the setting sun.
That 壁栗剥落 is onomatopoeic is so strange, that it must be true..:) But I had never guessed that.
I have read up on Chinese history, and at this time (late 1941), the Japanese held most of the Chinese coast, including Shanghai. We haven't heard a word about that though, it is not what ZAL wants to tell us about. But Liusu and her family must have experienced the Japanese invasion of their home town in august 1937, around the time when Liusu left her husband? It seems to have been a huge three months battle with the defending Chinese (KMT) government troups fighting from house to house in downtown Shanghai. Even the Bai family must have noticed that something unusual was going on outside.
With that back drop, it must have been tempting to be gloomy about the future of the world.
April 25, 2008, 06:47 PMThat historical background part is very useful!! I keep reading, even drawing nice time lines... and then forgetting again... Thank you.
I have been thinking about the tree with the red blossoms ... tried to find botanical details vain. Up to now I still consider the possibility that it is supposed to remind you of the 想思 tree - the classical tree of true but tragic marital love. Its seeds look like beans and are also called 紅 豆. You certainly read the shi by Wang Wei.

April 25, 2008, 09:07 PMI didn't read the Wang Wei shi, but I found it now (thanks, it's nice to be with you...:) :
红豆生南国,春来发几枝? 愿君多采撷,此物最相思。
I'm not sure it's what ZAL wants us to think of. She has red flowers, not seeds, but of course that might be too pedantic.
I think there are pictures of the flowers here :
They really are very red and beautiful.
April 26, 2008, 09:57 AMWell, what can I say... thank you for indulging me in my botanically rather dubious poetic moods (no,no, not too pedantic-- I share your skepticism re bloom and seed and different tree!) and offering me pictorial materials to dream on... I have a feeling I saw those trees in Quanzhou, Fujian four years ago and was struck, too, although they were young and small and did not have the impact of FLY's specimen.
Well -- after all this red-hot stuff -- shall we go on?
April 19, 2008, 09:23 AM0005 那印度女人 It seems that she is from India. - or could this include Indochina?
0006 她穿着金鱼黄紧身长衣 Gold fish??
0008 像飞了金 0009 的观音菩萨 I know about Guanyin Pusa, but why 飞了?
0013 这是萨黑夷妮公主 Saheiyini - can we reconstruct her actual name?
0021 你是个道地的中国人 I wonder why he insists on this. It certainly gives her an advantage over the princess.
0025 说是克力希纳·柯兰姆帕王公的亲生女 Transcriptions are difficult.. I don't know where this is.
0030 当面何尝不奉承着她 I want this to mean "when she is present, you flatter her", but I can't work it out. 当面 Openly 何尝 how come 不奉承着 NOT flatter 她 her. Another typo?
0031 我这样一个穷遗老的女儿,The word 遗老 is interesting here. My dictionary suggests "adherent of a defunct dynasty"..:) What about "old fashioned"?