Chapter 9
March 15, 2008, 10:31 AM posted in General Discussion0001 流苏嗔道:“你自己承认你爱装假,可别拉扯上我。你几时
0002 捉出我说谎来着?”柳原嗤的笑道:“不错,你是再天真也没有的
0003 一个人。”流苏道:“得了,别哄我了!”
0005 柳原静了半晌,叹了口气。流苏道:“你有什么不称心的事?
0006 ”柳原道:“多着呢。”流苏叹道:“若是像你这样自由自在的人,
0007 也要怨命,像我这样的,早就该上吊了。”柳原道:“我知道你是
0008 不快乐的。我们四周的那些坏事,坏人,你一定是看够了。可是,
0009 如果你这是第一次看见他们,你一定更看不惯,更难受。我就是
0010 这样。我回中国来的时候,已经二十四了。关于我的家乡,我做
0011 了好些梦。你可以想象到我是多么的失望。我受不了这个打击,
0012 不由自主的就往下溜。你……你如果认识从前的我,也许你会原谅
0013 现在的我。”流苏试着想象她是第一次看见她四嫂。她猛然叫道:
0014 “还是那样的好,初次瞧见,再坏些,再脏些,是你外面的人,
0015 你外面的东西。你若是混在那里头长大了,你怎么分得清,哪一
0016 部份是他们,哪一部份是你自己?”柳原默然,隔了一会方道:
0017 “也许你是对的。也许我这些话无非是借口,自己糊弄自己。”他
0018 突然笑了起来道:“其实我用不着什么借口呀!我爱玩——我有这
0019 个钱,有这个时间,还得去找别的理由?”他思索了一会,又烦
0020 躁起来,向她说道:“我自己也不懂得我自己——可是我要你懂得
0021 我!我要你懂得我!”他嘴里这么说着,心里早已绝望了,然而
0022 他还是固执地,哀恳似地说着:“我要你懂得我!”
0024 流苏愿意试试看。在某种范围内,她什么都愿意。她侧过脸
0025 去向着他,小声答应着:“我懂得,我懂得。”她安慰着他,然而
0026 她不由得想到了她自己的月光中的脸,那娇脆的轮廓,眉与眼,
0027 美得不近情理,美得渺茫。她缓缓垂下头去。柳原格格地笑了起
0028 来。他换了一副声调,笑道:“是的,别忘了,你的特长是低头。
0029 可是也有人说,只有十来岁的女孩子们适宜于低头。适宜于低头
0030 的人往往一来就喜欢低头。低了多年的头,颈子上也许要起皱纹
0031 的。”流苏变了脸,不禁抬起手来抚摸她的脖子。柳原笑道:“别
0032 着急,你决不会有的。待会儿回到房里去,没有人的时候,你再
0033 解开衣袖上的钮子,看个明白。”流苏不答,掉转身就走。柳原
0034 追了上去,笑道:“我告诉你为什么你保得住你的美。萨黑夷妮
0035 上次说:她不敢结婚,因为印度女人一闲下来,呆在家里,整天
0036 坐着,就发胖了。我就说:中国女人呢,光是坐着,连发胖都不
0037 肯发胖——因为发胖至少还需要一点精力。懒倒也有懒的好处!”
0039 流苏只是不理他。他一路赔着小心,低声下气,说说笑笑,
0040 她到了旅馆里,面色方才和缓下来,两人也就各自归房安置。流
0041 苏自己忖量着,原来范柳原是讲究精神恋爱的。她倒也赞成,因
0042 为精神恋爱的结果永远是结婚,而肉体之爱往往就停顿在某一阶
0043 段,很少结婚的希望。精神恋爱只有一个毛病:在恋爱过程中,
0044 女人往往听不懂男人的话。然而那倒也没有多大关系。后来总还
0045 是结婚,找房子,置家具,雇佣人——那些事上,女人可比男人在
0046 行得多。她这么一想,今天这点小误会,也就不放在心上。
0048 第二天一早,她听徐太太屋里鸦雀无声,知道她一定起来的
0049 很晚。徐太太仿佛说过的,这里的规矩,早餐叫到屋里来吃,另
0050 外要付费,还要给小帐,因此决定替人家节省一点,到食堂里去。
0051 她梳洗完了,刚跨出房门,一个守候在外面的仆欧,看见了她,
0052 便去敲范柳原的门。柳原立刻走了出来,笑道:“一块儿吃早饭
0053 去。” 一面走,他一面问道:“徐先生徐太太还没升帐?”流苏笑
0054 道:“昨儿他们玩得太累了罢!我没听见他们回来,想必一定是
0055 近天亮。”他们在餐室外面的走廊上拣了个桌子坐下。石栏杆外
0056 生着高大的棕榈树,那丝丝缕缕披散着的叶子在太阳光里微微发
0057 抖,像光亮的喷泉。树底下也有喷水池子,可没有那么伟丽。柳
0058 原问道:“徐太太他们今天打算怎么玩?”流苏道:“听说是要找
0059 房子去。”柳原道:“他们找他们的房子,我们玩我们的。你喜欢
0060 到海滩上去还是到城里去看看?”流苏前一天下午已经用望远镜
0061 看了看附近的海滩,红男绿女,果然热闹非凡,只是行动太自由
0062 了一点,她不免略具戒心,因此便提议进城去。他们赶上了一辆
0063 旅馆里特备的公共汽车,到了中心区。
April 26, 2008, 07:27 PM0001 流苏嗔道:“你自己承认你爱装假" When did he do that?
The way I understand it: right now by hoping so much they could be honest with each other. She says: If you want to confess that you are a liar – ok, but don’t imply me too --
0012 不由自主的就往下溜。The "往下" would mean "toward Vain Amusements" I suppose?
Mhmm, falling to temptations of all kinds
0013 流苏试着想象她是第一次看见她四嫂 This is to completely understand Liuyan's shock as he met his family?
Yes, obviously – and it gives us an idea that in her eyes Fourth Lady is the epitomy of China’s old society (or the reaction to it) at its worst
0014 “还是那样的好.. I think that what she is saying here is : "It would not have been better for you to grow up in your family - I know all about that road."
What I understand is that she says he was lucky – because at least he could feel that what he saw here was foreign to him, he was no part of it. She however did not even know to what degree she was involved/tainted by it herself. This is very stark--- a kind of cultural self-hatred ... wonder if it is a ZAL specialty?
0029 只有十来岁的女孩子 "ten year old girls" ... what about 来 ?
with numbers it seems to mean „about“
0037 懒倒也有懒的好处!It seems to me that he is making conversation again. I don't think there is any method in this madness, and it was not a good move to bring up Sahaayini.
Yes, it is very strange how he lapses into a very unpleasant, almost aggressive jocularity. But – if you can bear with me taking his side a little... there was something in Liusu’s reaction (of looking consciously alluring) which might have disappointed him. He appears to be quite sensitive and intent on meeting her on a personal level, as a human being... Yes -- and then, of course, he slips, too....
0039 流苏只是不理他 That's my girl. Ah, I know, I have to watch it when I am unkind towards her! ☺
But what is he doing on the dark way home? Is he „getting fresh“, making jokes? So that she regains her calm only when they return to the hotel? 他一路赔着小心,低声下气,说说笑笑, 0040 她到了旅馆里,面色方才和缓下来
0041 原来范柳原是讲究精神恋爱的。In the following discussion Liusu seems rather detached. She considers the best strategy to get married, and she is right about the strategies of course, but this might not be the point. Her actions are not based on clever strategies, she is not playing a game. This is not 三国演義. On the other hand, if she does not get married to Liuyuan, she will be in a very difficult situation, without family and friends.
精神恋爱 how do you actually translate this?
Somehow I feel that this is what I said a while ago, that her Chinese-ness consists mainly in her adamant decision to make him marry her. When I read those thoughts of her I feel quite estranged as a Western woman – we have been brought up to have so many very high flying notions of love, closeness, understanding --- what she is thinking here sounds SO down to earth, SO practical--- I have to tell myself all the time that she comes from a very different culture, is so to say standing on the brink of an abyss and simply needs to act. So – right now I am very puzzled how to deal with her, how to feel for her, judge her.
I really do not want to make any firm statement – I cannot explain or judge many of her thoughts or reactions– I am constantly wavering and have to correct my conclusions.
0062 她不免略具戒心 I am comfused by 略具 - they seem like opposites to me "slightly very careful".
略具 seems to be about the same as 一 點 , "she could not avoid a little carefulness/caution", i.e. she had to be careful

April 26, 2008, 10:42 PM0014 “还是那样的好.. I think that what she is saying here is : "It would not have been better for you to grow up in your family - I know all about that road."
What I understand is that she says he was lucky – because at least he could feel that what he saw here was foreign to him, he was no part of it. She however did not even know to what degree she was involved/tainted by it >herself. This is very stark--- a kind of cultural self-hatred ... wonder if it is a ZAL specialty?
This interpretation fits with her words, but it does not fit his answer! If that is all she says, why would he answer "You are right, maybe it was just a pretext"? Of course it is possible that he reads something into her words that is not there. I was thinking that the night was magic, so that the two really understood each other. But considering it now, I think that a misunderstanding between them here would be something Zhang could do to both them and to us.
As for the cultural self hatred... I find it easy to understand that a Chinese in 1941 could hate the old culture. Especially a woman. And for different reasons, when I think of what the West did to the rest of the world in the last few centuries and to itself in the first half of the 20th century I can feel quite uneasy about my own culture.
0037 懒倒也有懒的好处!It seems to me that he is making conversation again. I don't think there is any method in this madness, and it was not a good move to bring up Sahaayini.
Yes, it is very strange how he lapses into a very unpleasant, almost aggressive jocularity. But – if you can bear with me taking his side a little... there was something in Liusu’s reaction (of looking consciously alluring) which might have disappointed him. He appears to be quite sensitive and intent on meeting her on a personal level, as a human being... Yes -- and then, of course, he slips, too....
That's true, he seems to be more open on a personal level. But don't forget that he has all the good cards. He can afford to make mistakes, Liusu cannot.
0039 流苏只是不理他 That's my girl.
Ah, I know, I have to watch it when I am unkind towards her! ☺
But what is he doing on the dark way home? Is he „getting fresh“, making jokes? So that she regains her calm >only when they return to the hotel? 他一路赔着小心,低声下气,说说笑笑, 0040 她到了旅馆里,面色方才和缓下来
I think that they were having a lot of fun on the way... I have "低声下气" ="softspoken and submissive".
精神恋爱 how do you actually translate this?
Good question... I don't believe that it means "platonic love". I would assume "love which is not only sensual". But I admit that I don't know for sure.
Somehow I feel that this is what I said a while ago, that her Chinese-ness consists mainly in her adamant decision to make him marry her. When I read those thoughts of her I feel quite estranged as a Western woman – we have been brought up to have so many very high flying notions of love, closeness, understanding --- what she is thinking here sounds SO down to earth, SO practical--- I have to tell myself all the time that she comes from a very different culture, is so to say standing on the brink of an abyss and simply needs to act. So – right now I am very puzzled how to deal with her, how to feel for her, judge her.
I really do not want to make any firm statement – I cannot explain or judge many of her thoughts or reactions– I am constantly wavering and have to correct my conclusions.
Yes, and that makes it so interesting! My impression is that in traditional society the Chinese didn't stress feelings as much as we do. There were certain absolute demands on a woman, but they were about what she should and especially what she should not do, not so much about what she should feel. On the other hand, of course Liusu has feelings. But I am not sure that it is easy for us to read them.
April 27, 2008, 09:54 AMMaybe at this point it is easier not to quote quotes of quotes anymore. I hope it is still clear enough.
The dialogue concerning „cultural self-hatred“ – „pretext“. At this point (after pondering all your input) I see them as saying:
FLY: When I came here at age 24, still somehow innocent, I was shocked by what I encountered, after all I was completely unprepared for so much viciousness. In reaction to it I became as depraved as I am now.
LS: At least you know that you are not part of it – it is worse to feel that you are tainted/involved, too.
FLY: True, maybe what I said was a CHEAP EXCUSE (this is my interpretation of petext)... (sc. after all I was not forced to become so cynical)... but then: why am I looking for excuses at all--- I feel like it, I have the money and the leisure... so why not go for it? (And then he gets thoughtful again) But I still don’t understand myself. Can you understand me?
And at this point her becoming "female and alluring" may be a fateful mistake --- not her fault but a built-in trap --- at least it prevents a meaningful continuation of their dialogue.
Thank you for the 低声下气! That fits my ideas of his style much better.
The term „platonic“ ocurred to me, too, but it can’t be used here, you are right. I guess we both know what we mean: He has a dimension beyond sheer sexual interest - and I would say that ZAL gives us some proof of it. But – this is obvious, too: he is not very strong emotionally. There might, after all, have been other reactions to the disappointment he suffered than what he chose. Actually, he admits that himself. (see above)
I am very thrilled to continue watching this drama – ZAL definitely does not spoon-feed unenlightened foreigners. We know so little about both our main characters – not only factually/personally but also culturally. And we don’t have an ear to catch their undertones... What do you say --- shall we just continue our way through the nightly jungle? (And disregard all of the above if it bothers you-- it is not cast in concrete, just my momentary foothold.)
April 26, 2008, 02:15 PM0001 流苏嗔道:“你自己承认你爱装假" When did he do that?
0012 不由自主的就往下溜。The "往下" would mean "toward Vain Amusements" I suppose?
0013 流苏试着想象她是第一次看见她四嫂 This is to completely understand Liuyan's shock as he met his family?
0014 “还是那样的好.. I think that what she is saying here is : "It would not have been better for you to grow up in your family - I know all about that road."
0029 只有十来岁的女孩子 "ten year old girls" ... what about 来 ?
0037 懒倒也有懒的好处!It seems to me that he is making conversation again. I don't think there is any method in this madness, and it was not a good move to bring up Sahaayini.
0039 流苏只是不理他 That's my girl.
0041 原来范柳原是讲究精神恋爱的。In the following discussion Liusu seems rather detached. She considers the best strategy to get married, and she is right about the strategies of course, but this might not be the point. Her actions are not based on clever strategies, she is not playing a game. This is not 三国演義. On the other hand, if she does not get married to Liuyuan, she will be in a very difficult situation, without family and friends.
0062 她不免略具戒心 I am comfused by 略具 - they seem like opposites to me "slightly very careful".