Chapter 10
March 15, 2008, 10:35 AM posted in General Discussion0001 柳原带她到大中华去吃饭。流苏一听,仆欧们却是说上海话的,
0002 四座也是乡音盈耳,不觉诧异道:“这是上海馆子?”柳原笑道:
0003 “你不想家么?”流苏笑道: “可是……专程到香港来吃上海菜,总
0004 似乎有点傻。”柳原道:“跟你在一起我就喜欢做各种傻事,甚至
0005 于乘着电车兜圈子,看一场看过了两次的电影……”流苏道:“因为
0006 你被我传染上了傻气,是不是?”柳原笑道:“你爱怎么解释,就
0007 怎么解释。”
0009 吃完了饭,柳原举起玻璃杯来将里面剩下的茶一饮而尽,高
0010 高地擎着那玻璃杯,只管向里看着。流苏道:“有什么可看的,
0011 也让我看看。”柳原道:“你迎着亮瞧瞧,里头的景致使我想到马
0012 来的森林。”杯里的残茶向一边倾过来,绿色的茶叶粘在玻璃上,
0013 横斜有致,迎着光,看上去像一棵翠生生的芭蕉。底下堆积着的
0014 茶叶,蟠结错杂,就像没膝的蔓草与蓬蒿。流苏凑在上面看,柳
0015 原就探过身来指点着。隔着那绿阴阴的玻璃杯,流苏忽然觉得他
0016 的一双眼睛似笑非笑地瞅着她。她放下了杯子,笑了。柳原道:
0017 “我陪你到马来亚去。”流苏道:“做什么?”柳原道:“回到自然。
0018 ”他转念一想,又道:“只是一件,我不能想象你穿着旗袍在森林
0019 里跑。……不过我也不能想象你不穿着旗袍。”流苏连忙沉下脸来
0020 道:“少胡说。”柳原道:“我这是正经话。我第一次看见你,就
0021 觉得你不应当光着膀子穿这处时髦的长背心,不过你也不应当穿
0022 西装。满洲的旗装,也许倒合式一点,可是线条又太硬。”流苏
0023 道:“总之,人长得难看,怎么打扮着也不顺眼!”柳原笑道:“
0024 别误会了,我的意思是:你看上去不像这世界上的人。你有许多
0025 小动作,有一种罗曼谛克的气氛,很像唱京戏。”流苏抬起了眉
0026 毛,冷笑道:“唱戏,我一个人也唱不成呀!我何尝爱做作这也
0027 是逼上梁山。人家跟我耍心眼儿,我不跟人家耍心眼儿,人家还
0028 拿我当傻子呢,准得找着我欺侮!”柳原听了这话,倒有些黯然。
0029 他举起了空杯,试着喝了一口,又放下了,叹道:“是的,都怪
0030 我。我装惯了假,也是因为人人都对我装假。只有对你,我说过
0031 句把真话。你听不出来。”流苏道:“我又不是你肚里的蛔虫。”
0032 柳原道:“是的,都怪我。可是的确为你费了不少的心机。在上
0033 海第一次遇见你,我想着,离开了你家里那些人,你也许会自然
0034 一点。好容易盼着你到了香港……现在,我又想把你来到马来亚,
0035 到原始人的森林里去……”他笑他自己,声音又哑又涩,不等笑完
0036 他就喊仆欧拿帐单来。他们付了帐出来,他已经恢复原状,又开
0037 始他的上午的调情--顶文雅的一种。
0039 他每天伴着她到处跑,什么都玩到了,电影,广东戏,赌场,
0040 格罗士打饭店,思豪酒店,青鸟咖啡馆,印度绸缎庄,九龙的四
0041 川菜……晚上,他们常常出去散步,直到深夜。她自己都不能够相
0042 信他连她的手都难得碰一碰。她总是提心吊胆,怕他突然摘下假
0043 面具,对她作冷不防的袭击,然而一天又一天的过去了,他维持
0044 着他的君子风度。她如临大敌,结果毫无动静。她起初倒觉得不
0045 安,仿佛下楼的时候踏空了一级似的,心上异常怔忡,后来也就
0046 惯了。
0048 只有一次,在海滩上。这时候,流苏对柳原多了一层认识,
0049 觉得到海边上去去也无妨,因此他们到那里去消磨了一个上午。
0050 他们并排坐在沙上,可是一个面朝东,一个面朝西。流苏嚷有蚊
0051 子。柳原道:“不是蚊子,是一种小虫,叫沙蝇。咬一口,就是
0052 一个小红点,像朱砂痣。”流苏又道:“这太阳真受不了。”柳原
0053 道: “稍微晒一会儿,我们可以到凉棚底下去。我在那边租了一
0054 个棚。”那口渴的太阳汩汩地吸着海水,漱着,吐着,哗哗的响。
0055 人身上的水份全给它喝干了,人成了金色的枯叶子,轻飘飘的。
0056 流苏渐渐感到那奇异的眩晕与愉快,但是她忍不住又叫了起来:
0057 “蚊子咬!”她扭过头去,一巴掌打在她裸露的背脊上。柳原笑道:
0058 “这样好吃力。我来替你打罢,你来替我打。”流苏果然留心着,
0059 照准他臂上打去,叫道:“哎呀,让它跑了!”柳原也替她留心着。
0060 两人劈劈啪啪打着,笑成一片。流苏突然被得罪了,站起身来往
0061 旅馆里走。柳原这一次并没有跟上来。流苏走到树阴里,两座芦
0062 席棚之间的石径上,停了下来,抖一抖短裙子上的沙,回头一看,
0063 柳原还在原处,仰天躺着,两手垫在颈项底下,显然是又在那里
0064 做着太阳里的梦了,人晒成了金叶子。流苏回到旅馆里,又从窗
0065 户里用望远镜望出来,这一次,他的身边躺着一个女人,辫子盘
0066 在头上。就把那萨黑夷妮烧了灰,流苏也认识她。
April 27, 2008, 03:25 PM0010 只管向里看着 I suppose that this is a traditional Chinese way to tell the future? Or is Liuyuan just improvising?
Actually I did not make this association ... and I don’t know
about a practice like this. Usually it is bamboo strips, coins,
I thought he really just sees the stunning green of the tea leaves
and associates. Did you think tea leaves instead of coffee dregs?
0013 一棵翠生生的芭蕉 I suppose that 翠生生 means "green like growing plants"
Yes – the tilted glass, full of leaves, held against the light, looks like the fresh green of a banana stem/trunk. I don’t know whether you are used to drinking green tea – but in the end the dried leaves expand to their original size and look completely alive, like grass again – and you have them in the glass, individually, not in a pot, at least according to certain methods
0014 就像没膝的蔓草与蓬蒿 What is the point of 没膝?
Hmmm –kneeless, without a bend? I am struggling with the plants themselves, but since they must be creepers, I imagine straight tendrils...
0014 流苏凑 She got closer? 0014 柳 0015 原就探过身来指点着。"Liuyuan leaned forward as he pointed
Yes, I see her leaning to one side or forward – not sure how they are sitting – but in the process he leans over or forward, too and they see each other’s eyes “through a glass darkly“.... This is another one of the scenes when ZAL really goes for imagery, isn’t it?
0017 柳原道:“回到自然。" Did the old Chinese have this idea, or does he borrow from Rousseau?
That was my question, too. Well, the guy is „under the influence“ of the West for one thing and yes – there is a tradition, isn’t there to value nature and withdraw from the world, in China too. But when all is said and done: it is another declaration of his takenness with her.
0019 ……不过我也不能想象你不穿着旗袍 Its all about the Chinese identity , whatever that is!
Yes – and a very specific type of „Chinese“, too. But isn’t he also being a bit cheeky---he is harping on her not wearing this, not wearing that, having this shape or the other... I might get uncomfortable, too if I was a decent Chinese girl ;)
0022 可是线条又太硬 What is a "hard" body shape?
线条 according to my dix means Kontur ... outline. She is worried about too harsh, to revealing perhaps, an outline (maybe see above)
0025 罗曼谛克 My dictionary does not have it, but it must be "romantic". Must be.
0026 我何尝爱做作这也 0027 是逼上梁山。We had "当面何尝不奉承着她" recently, I find the "何尝" difficult to translate. I assume something like : "I don't like affected and extreme language."
Hmmm--- how could I like such affectations (such exaggerated Compliments?) this too is a kind of 逼上梁山 being forced to join the Highwaymen of Liang shan....? She might be talking about her poverty and powerlessness which make her a butt of such cheap compliments????. Maybe you can consult your web-oracles ? ☺
0031 流苏道:“我又不是你肚里的蛔虫。” Strange picture.. I suppose that they understand you completely from within?
Yes, very gross picture but it seems to be everyday language. I even have had it applied to myself by a Chinese friend!! Since a lot of feeling is understood to be residing or held down in the 肚子 any inmate there would be in the know... :)
0036 又开 0037 始他的上午的调情 He is withdrawing - because she does not even try to do what he promised to do for her : see him as he is. Admittedly, that might not be so easy.
No, certainly not. He wants a traditional Chinese woman, sexy, of course, with the knowledge/interests of a therapist. Tall order!!
0040 格罗士打 is transliteration of what?
Beats me, too --- above all I just do not know the scene there
0040 思豪酒店 I don't know what the 思豪 comes from ...
again.. I think it is a name... at least I have it too in my book
0040 印度绸缎庄 He even follows her when she's shopping clothes, he's really serious. ..:)
That’s how I see it, too – or he ist he most expert fake!!
0041 她自己都不能够相 0042 信他连她的手都难得碰一碰。 "She did not believe that it was accident that he kept touching her hand."? Nono, opposite – he is being so correct, he barely even accidentally touches her hand. (I think)
0054 那口渴的太阳汩汩地吸着海水,漱着,吐着,哗哗的响。 The sun is doing all this, and is also the grammatical subject of the next sentence. Yep.
0066 就把那萨黑夷妮烧了灰 This is not good. But what about the 烧了灰? Is it simply "Sahaayini was tanning"?
Hmmm – I am almost tempted to translate: even if this S.
was sizzling herself to ashes, LS would still have recognized her.
And while we are here by the beach and I am at a loss –
what did you make of the
ch.9, oo61 紅 男 綠 女 in the last chapter – the ones which
kept Liusu away from the beach originally?
April 27, 2008, 07:46 PM0010 只管向里看着 I suppose that this is a traditional Chinese way to tell the future? Or is Liuyuan just improvising?
Actually I did not make this association ... and I don’t know about a practice like this. Usually it is bamboo strips, coins, astrology... I thought he really just sees the stunning green of the tea leaves and associates. Did you think tea leaves instead of coffee dregs?
Yes, I thought about coffee dregs. Maybe he heard about them in London. Perhaps one of Zhang's evil points is that most of Liuyan's thoughts actually derive from European thinking - but he does not realise this.
0026 我何尝爱做作这也 0027 是逼上梁山。We had "当面何尝不奉承着她" recently, I find the "何尝" difficult to translate. I assume something like : "I don't like affected and extreme language."
Hmmm--- how could I like such affectations (such exaggerated Compliments?) this too is a kind of 逼上梁山 being forced to join the Highwaymen of Liang shan....? She might be talking about her poverty and powerlessness which make her a butt of such cheap compliments????. Maybe you can consult your web-oracles ? ☺
I have 逼上梁山 bīshàngliángshān id. ①be driven to revolt ②be forced to extremities.
0066 就把那萨黑夷妮烧了灰 This is not good. But what about the 烧了灰? Is it simply "Sahaayini was tanning"?
Hmmm – I am almost tempted to translate: even if this S. was sizzling herself to ashes, LS would still have recognized her. ????
Interpreting 灰 would be a resultative complement, but then the 了 would be at the end of the sentence, wouldn't it?
And while we are here by the beach and I am at a loss – what did you make of the ch.9, oo61 紅 男 綠 女 in the last chapter – the ones which kept Liusu away from the beach originally?
I have 红男绿女[紅-綠-] hóngnánlǜnǚ f.e. gaudy youth. I was assuming that she did not want to invite comparison with scantily clad good looking teenagers.
April 27, 2008, 08:08 PMThere are still a few raw edges i this chapter... But the 红男绿女 is beautifully solved -- thank you!! Certainly -- she is not into scanty clothing... but not necessarily because she can't afford it. She is only 28... More the Confucian anti bareness codes...??
During the concert tonight I kept wondering if the 把那萨黑夷妮烧了灰 might be a quip against the self-immolation of Indian widows... but that was just a frivolous thought on my part.
I am also happy about the explanation for 0026 and could consider something like: How could I like such affectedness -- such stuff forces me to rebel.
April 27, 2008, 01:27 PM0001 柳原带她到大中华去吃饭 Maybe Liuyuan did choose the restaurant on account of its name.
0010 只管向里看着 I suppose that this is a traditional Chinese way to tell the future? Or is Liuyuan just improvising?
0013 一棵翠生生的芭蕉 I suppose that 翠生生 means "green like growing plants"
0014 就像没膝的蔓草与蓬蒿 What is the point of 没膝?
0014 流苏凑 She got closer?
0014 柳 0015 原就探过身来指点着。"Liuyuan leaned forward as he pointed."??
0017 柳原道:“回到自然。" Did the old Chinese have this idea, or does he borrow from Rousseau?
0019 ……不过我也不能想象你不穿着旗袍 Its all about the Chinese identity , whatever that is!
0022 可是线条又太硬 What is a "hard" body shape?
0025 罗曼谛克 My dictionary does not have it, but it must be "romantic".
0026 我何尝爱做作这也 0027 是逼上梁山。We had "当面何尝不奉承着她" recently, I find the "何尝" difficult to translate. I assume something like : "I don't like affected and extreme language."
0031 流苏道:“我又不是你肚里的蛔虫。” Strange picture.. I suppose that they understand you completely from within?
0036 又开 0037 始他的上午的调情 He is withdrawing - because she does not even try to do what he promised to do for her : see him as he is. Admittedly, that might not be so easy.
0040 格罗士打 is transliteration of what?
0040 思豪酒店 I don't know what the 思豪 comes from ...
0040 印度绸缎庄 He even follows her when she's shopping clothes, he's really serious. ..:)
0041 她自己都不能够相 0042 信他连她的手都难得碰一碰。"She did not believe that it was accident that he kept touching her hand."?
0054 那口渴的太阳汩汩地吸着海水,漱着,吐着,哗哗的响。The sun is doing all this, and is also the grammatical subject of the next sentence.
0065 用望远镜望出来 As Liuyuan probably knows.
0066 就把那萨黑夷妮烧了灰 This is not good. But what about the 烧了灰? Is it simply "Sahaayini was tanning"?