Chapter 12
April 27, 2008, 01:30 PM posted in General Discussion0001 流苏一念及此,不觉咬了咬牙,恨了一声。面子上仍旧照常跟他敷衍着。徐
0002 太太已经在跑马地租下了房子,就要搬过去了。流苏欲待跟过去,又觉得白扰了
0003 人家一个多月,再要长住下去,实在不好意思。这样僵持下去,也不是事。进退
0004 两难,倒煞费踌躇。这一天,在深夜里,她已经上了床多时,只是翻来覆去。好
0005 容易朦胧了一会,床头的电话铃突然朗朗响了起来。她一听,却是柳原的声音,
0006 道:“我爱你。”就挂断了。流苏心跳得扑通扑通,握住了耳机,发了一回愣,方
0007 才轻轻的把它放回原处。谁知才搁上去,又是铃声大作。她再度拿起听筒,柳原
0008 在那边问道:“我忘了问你一声,你爱我么?”流苏咳嗽了一声再开口,喉咙还是
0009 沙哑的。她低声道:“你早该知道了。我为什么上香港来?”柳原叹道:“我早知道
0010 了,可是明摆着的事实,我就是不肯相信。流苏,你不爱我。”流苏忙道:“怎见
0011 得我不?” 柳原不语,良久方道:“诗经上有一首诗——”流苏忙道:“我不懂这些。
0012 ”柳原不耐烦道:“知道你不懂,你若懂,也不用我讲了!我念给你听:‘死生契阔
0013 —— 与子相悦,执子之手,与子偕老。’我的中文根本不行,可不知道解释得对不
0014 对。我看那是最悲哀的一首诗,生与死与离别,都是大事,不由我们支配的。比
0015 起外界的力量,我们人是多么小,多么小!可是我们偏要说:‘我永远和你在一起;
0016 我们一生一世都别离开。’——好像我们自己做得了主似的!”
0018 流苏沉思了半晌,不由得恼了起来道:“你干脆说不结婚,不就完了!还得绕
0019 着大弯子!什么做不了主?连我这样守旧的人家,也还说‘初嫁从亲,再嫁从身’
0020 哩!你这样无拘无束的人,你自己不能做主,谁替你做主?”柳原冷冷地道:“你
0021 不爱我,你有什么办法,你做得了主么?”流苏道:“你若真爱我的话,你还顾得
0022 了这些?”柳原道:“我不至于那么糊涂。我犯不着花了钱娶一个对我毫无感情的
0023 人来管束我。那太不公平了。对于你,那也不公平。噢,也许你不在乎。根本你
0024 以为婚姻就是长期的卖淫——”;流苏不等他说完,啪的一声把耳机掼下来,脸气得
0025 通红。他敢这样侮辱她!他敢!她坐在床上,炎热的黑暗包着她,像葡萄紫的绒
0026 毯子。一身的汗,痒痒的,颈上与背脊上的头发梢也刺挠得难受。她把两只手按
0027 在腮颊上,手心却是冰冷的。
0029 铃又响了起来,她不去接电话,让它响去。“的铃铃……的铃铃……”声浪分外的
0030 震耳,在寂静的房间里,在寂静的旅舍里,在寂静的浅水湾。流苏突然觉悟了,
0031 她不能吵醒了整个的浅水湾饭店。第一,徐太太就在隔壁。她战战兢兢拿起听筒
0032 来,搁在褥单上。可是四周太静了,虽是离了这么远,她也听得见柳原的声音在
0033 那里心平气和地说:“流苏,你的窗子里看得见月亮么?”流苏不知道为什么,忽
0034 然哽咽起来。泪眼中的月亮大而模糊,银色的,有着绿的光棱。柳原道:“我这边,
0035 窗子上面吊下一枝藤花,挡住了一半。也许是玫瑰,也许不是。”他不再说话了,
0036 可是电话始终没挂上。许久许久,流苏疑心他可是盹着了,然而那边终于扑秃一
0037 声,轻轻挂断了。流苏用颤抖的手从褥单上拿起她的听筒,放回架子上。她怕他
0038 第四次再打来,但是他没有。这都是一个梦——越想越像梦。
0040 第二天早上她也不敢问他,因为他准会嘲笑她 ——“梦是心头想”,她这么迫切
0041 地想念他,连睡梦里他都会打电话来说“我爱你”?他的态度也和平时没有什么不
0042 同。他们照常的出去玩了一天。流苏忽然发觉拿他们当夫妇的人很多很多——仆欧
0043 们,旅馆里和她搭讪的几个太太老太太。原不怪他们误会。柳原跟她住在隔壁,
0044 出入总是肩并肩,深夜还到海岸上去散步,一点都不避嫌疑。一个保姆推着孩子
0045 车走过,向流苏点点头,唤了一声“范太太”。流苏脸上一僵,笑也不是,不笑也
0046 不是,只得皱着眉向柳原睃了一眼,低声道:“他们不知道怎么想着呢!”柳原笑
0047 道:“唤你范太太的人,且不去管他们;倒是唤你做白小姐的人,才不知道他们怎
0048 么想的呢!”流苏变色。柳原用手抚摸下巴,微笑道:“你别枉担了这个虚名!”
0050 流苏吃惊地朝他望望,蓦地里悟到他这人多么恶毒。他有意当着人做出亲狎
0051 的神气,使她没法可证明他们没有发生关系,她势成骑虎,回不得家乡,见不得
0052 爷娘,除了做他的情妇之外没有第二条路。然而她如果迁就了他,不但前功尽弃,
0053 以后更是万劫不复了。她偏不!就算她枉担了虚名,他不过口头上占了她一个便
0054 宜。归根究底,他还是没有得到她。既然他没有得到她,或许他有一天还会回到
0055 她这里来,带了较优的议和条件。
0057 她打定了主意,便告诉柳原她打算回上海去。柳原却也不坚留,自告奋勇要
0058 送她回去。流苏道:“那倒不必了。你不是要到新加坡去么?”柳原道:“反正已经
0059 耽搁了,再耽搁些时也不妨事,上海也有事等着料理呢。”流苏知道他还是一贯政
0060 策,唯恐众人不议论他们俩。众人越是说得凿凿有据,流苏越是百喙莫辩,自然
0061 在上海不能安身。流苏盘算着,即使他不送她回去,一切也瞒不了她家里的人。
0062 她是豁出去了,也就让他送她一程。徐太太见他们俩正打得火一般的热,忽然要
0063 拆开了,诧异非凡,问流苏,问柳原,两人虽然异口同声的为彼此洗刷,徐太太
0064 哪里肯信。

April 30, 2008, 12:09 PM"Google translate" makes the following out of our text.
0001 Liusu a Mindful of this, unknowingly bite the Yaoya, the hate out. Still face on as usual with him a perfunctory. Xu
His wife has been in Happy Valley
0002 under a rent house, we should move over. Liusuyudai in the past, and that the White nuisance
0003 people more than a month, then longer Zhu Xiaqu is embarrassed. This stalemate continue, not matter. Advance and retreat
0004 dilemma, inverted exorcism fees hesitate. On this day, late at night, she has been on the bed for a long time, only Fanlaifuqu. Well
0005 to a dim, head of the Dian Hualing suddenly Lang Lang ring up. She one, it is the voice of the original Liu,
0006: "I love you." Hung up on the. Liu Su heartbeat in the Putongputong, hold the headset, of a return to Leng, the
0007 was gently put it back into the original Department.谁知built before then is the tone masterpiece. She once again pick up the handset, Liu original
In 0008 there asked: "I forgot to ask you out, do you love me Mody» "Liu Su cough out a re-opening, or throat
0009 husky. She whispers: "You should have known. Why am I on the Hong Kong» "Liu original sigh:" I know that as early as
0010, but obviously the fact that I was not willing to believe. Liu Su, you do not love me. "Liu Su busy:" How can see
0011 I do not » "Liu is not the original language, the long side:" The Book of Songs on a poem - "Liu Su busy:" I do not know how these.
0012, "Liu original impatient:" know that you do not know, if you understand, I do not have to say! I read to you listen: 'width of death Health DMC
0013 - with the sub-Xiangyue, bailiffs of the hands, and son Xielao. 'My Chinese is not, may not have to explain that
0014 right. I Kanna is the most tragic one poem, with the departure of life and death, are important, are not governed by our disposal. Than
0015 from outside forces, we are however small, however small! However, we Pianyao said: 'I will never and you together;
0016 lifetime we are not leaving. '- Like our own doing the Lord like! "
April 30, 2008, 02:02 PMINCREDIBLE! This is however weird, however weird! This was definitely not white nuisance on your part -- thank you! :)
May 03, 2008, 02:33 PM0019 ‘初嫁从亲,再嫁从身’ I think that this means that Liusu can decide herself over her second marriage, she does not have to ask her family for permission.
I agree with your translation. It would be good to know where the saying comes from and in what tone it is said – encouraging or blaming. Second marriages after all were not traditionally „the thing to do“.
: „The entire discussion is full of assumption about what the other thinks, and what the other would do. It's a lovers quarrel, not to be mistaken for an exchange of opinions“.
I agree. It is so typical, it hurts! :)
0050 蓦地里悟到他这人多么恶毒 I'm not sure about this... he has not really deceived her, she has slipped into this role as his 'hotel wife' with open eyes, hasn't she? It is true that this has given him the advantage in the duel they are having. If that is by design or by accident - I don't think we know.
I agree – I cannot see that he has behaved so badly or cunningly.
0053 她偏不! Is that really a "不"?
Yes, it is in my text, too. I know from another occasion (you can look it up in a post preceding the snapshot of the slippery slippard in chapter 1, page2 of YJ) that you don’t like those emphatic lonely 不. But, as you see, they do exist - and with great vehemence! A bit like "no way!"
0053 他不过口头上占了她一个便 0054 宜 "It's only when it comes to words he has captured her cheaply."
Super – I did not quite see through this. Maybe „gotten an advantage over her“ might be a way of saying it? It is always a challenge to find a translation for this expression which is so frequent and does not seem to have an exact equivalent in our languages.
0051 回不得家乡,见不得 0052 爷娘,Here I wonder about the expression 爷娘. Her father is dead anyhow, isn’t he? Is this just a saying, a bit sentimental or pars pro toto for "her loved ones" (not too lovable ones...)?

May 04, 2008, 09:34 PM0052 爷娘 Yes, you are right! I missed that. Her father, the great gambler, is dead. So I assume that this is just a sentimental saying...
0053 她偏不! This is not a lonely bu, it has company.. How would you translate the whole three character sentence, and why?
April 29, 2008, 10:39 PM0001 流苏一念及此 So it is actually Liusu's thoughts.
0006 我爱你。
0010 可是明摆着的事实 What is so 明摆着? That she loves him? But he says the opposite two seconds later.
0011 良久方道 "After a long while, then he said"
0012 ‘死生契阔 0013 —— 与子相悦,执子之手,与子偕老。’ Legge to the rescue : " 死生契闊、與子成說。 執子之手、與子偕老。" = " For life or for death , however separated , To our wives we pledged our word . We held their hands ; -- We were to grow old together with them . "
0014 不由我们支配的 The future of Liusu and Liuyuan will be formed by outside events - but not as Liuyuan imagines it here. He talks of lovers that are being seperated by misfortune in Shijing, but right now it is not external misfortune that separates him and Liusu.
0019 ‘初嫁从亲,再嫁从身’ I think that this means that Liusu can decide herself over her second marriage, she does not have to ask her family for permission.
0023 根本你 0024 以为婚姻就是长期的卖淫—— The entire discussion is full of assumption about what the other thinks, and what the other would do. It's a lovers quarrel, not to be mistaken for an exchange of opinions.
0024 流苏不等他说完,啪的一声把耳机掼下来 Liuyuan is lucky that they not in the same room - but if they were, he would not be so insolent.
0033 心平气和地说 Liuyuan has had his say, and his frustrations and agressions are abated. Now he is nice and calm again, and slightly worried about that he has hurt Liusu.
0034 有着绿的光棱 I have never seen a moon with a green edge - that would prove that it is made of cheese.
0035 也许是玫瑰 Another red flower you cannot see in the night.
0050 蓦地里悟到他这人多么恶毒 I'm not sure about this... he has not really deceived her, she has slipped into this role as his 'hotel wife' with open eyes, hasn't she? It is true that this has given him the advantage in the duel they are having. If that is by design or by accident - I don't think we know.
0053 她偏不! Is that really a "不"?
0053 他不过口头上占了她一个便 0054 宜 "It's only when it comes to words he has captured her cheaply."
0062 他们俩正打得火一般的热 "the two had caught fire and burned"