Chapter 15
April 27, 2008, 07:34 PM posted in General Discussion0001 流苏的屋子是空的,心里是空的,家里没有置办米粮,因此肚子里也是空的。
0002 空穴来风,所以她感受到恐怖的袭击分外强烈。打电话到跑马地徐家,久久打不
0003 通,因为全城装有电话的人没有一个不在打电话,询问哪一区较为安全,作避难
0004 的计划。流苏到下午方才接通了,可是那边铃尽管响着,老是没有人来听电话,
0005 想必徐先生徐太太已经匆匆出走,迁到平靖一些的地带。流苏没了主意。炮火却
0006 逐渐猛烈了。邻近的高射炮成为飞机注意的焦点。飞机营营地在顶上盘旋,“孜孜
0007 孜……”绕了一圈又绕回来,“孜孜……”痛楚地,像牙医螺旋电器,直锉进灵魂的深处。
0008 阿栗抱着她的哭泣的孩子坐在客室的门槛上,人仿佛入了昏迷状态,左右摇摆着,
0009 喃喃唱着呓语似的歌曲,哄着拍着孩子。窗外又是“吱呦呃呃呃呃……”一声,“砰!
0010 ”削去屋檐的一角,沙石哗啦啦落下来。阿栗怪叫了一声,跳起身来,抱关孩子就
0011 往外跑。流苏在大门口追上了她,一把揪住她问道:“你上哪儿去?”阿栗道:“这
0012 儿蹲不得了!我--我带他到阴沟里去躲一躲。”流苏道:“你疯了!你去送死!
0013 ”阿栗连声道:“你放我走!我这孩子--就只这么一个--死不得的……阴沟里躲
0014 一躲……”流苏拼命扯住了她,阿栗将她一推,她跌倒了,阿栗做一日和尚撞一天钟
0015 闯出门去。正在这当口,轰天震地一声响,整个的世界黑了下来,像一只硕大无
0016 朋的箱子,啪地关上了盖。数不清的罗愁绮恨,全关在里面了。
0018 流苏只道是没有命了,谁知还活着。一睁眼,只见满地的玻璃屑,满地的太
0019 阳影子。她挣扎着爬起身来,去找阿栗。一开门,阿栗紧紧搂着孩子,垂着头,
0020 把额角抵在门洞子里的水泥墙上,人是震糊涂了。流苏拉了她进来,就听见外面
0021 喧嚷着说隔壁落了个炸弹,花园里炸出一个大坑。这一次巨响,箱子盖关上了,
0022 依旧不得安静。继续的砰砰砰,仿佛在箱子盖上用锤子敲钉,捶不完地捶。从天
0023 明捶到天黑,又从天黑捶到天明。
0025 流苏也想到了柳原,不知道他的船有没有驶出港口,有没有被击沉。可是她
0026 想起他便觉得有些渺茫,如同隔世。现在的这一段,与她的过去毫不相干,像无
0027 线电里的歌,唱了一半,忽然受了恶劣的天气的影响,劈劈啪啪炸了起来。炸完
0028 了,歌是仍旧要唱下去的,就只怕炸完了,歌已经唱完了,那就没的听了。
0030 第二天,流苏和阿栗母子分着吃完了罐子里的几片饼干,精神渐渐衰弱下来,
0031 每一个呼啸着的子弹的碎片便像打在她脸上的耳刮子。街上轰隆轰隆驰来一辆军
0032 用卡车,意外地在门前停下了。铃一响,流苏自己去开门,见是柳原,她捉住他
0033 的手,紧紧搂住他的手臂,像阿栗搂住孩子似的,人向前一扑,把头磕在门洞子
0034 里的水泥墙上。柳原用另外的一只手托住她的头,急促地道:“受了惊吓罢?别着
0035 急,别着急。你去收拾点得用的东西,我们到浅水湾去。快点,快点!”流苏跌跌
0036 冲冲奔了进去,一面问道:“浅水湾那边不要紧么?”柳原道:“都说不会在那边上
0037 岸的。而且旅馆里吃的方面总不成问题,他们收藏的很丰富。”流苏道:“你的船
0038 ……”柳原道:“船没开出去。他们把头等舱的乘客送到了浅水湾饭店。本来昨天就
0039 要来接你的,叫不到汽车,公共汽车又挤不上。好容易今天设法弄到了这部卡车。
0040 ”流苏哪里还定得下心整理行装,胡乱扎了个小包裹。柳原给了阿栗两个月的工钱,
0041 嘱咐她看家,两个人上了车,面朝下并排躺在运货的车厢里,上面蒙着黄绿色油
0042 布篷,一路颠簸着,把肘弯与膝盖上的皮都磨破了。
0044 柳原叹道:“这一炸,炸断了多少故事的尾巴!”流苏也怆然,半晌方道:“炸
0045 死了你,我的故事就该完了。炸死了我,你的故事还长着呢!”柳原笑道:“你打
0046 算替我守节么?”他们两人都有点神经失常,无缘无故,齐声大笑。而且一笑便止
0047 不住。笑完了,浑身只打颤。
0049 卡车在“吱呦呃呃……”的流弹网里到了浅水湾。浅水湾饭店楼下驻扎着军队,
0050 他们仍旧住到楼上的老房间里。住定了,方才发现,饭店里储藏虽富,都是留着
0051 给兵吃的。除了罐头装的牛乳,牛羊肉,水果之外,还有一麻袋一麻袋的白面包,
0052 麸皮面包。分配给客人的,每餐只有两块苏打饼干,或是两块方糖,饿的大家奄
0053 奄一息。
0055 先两日浅水湾还算平静,后来突然情势一变,渐渐火炽起来。楼上没有掩蔽
0056 物,众人容身不得,都下楼来,守在食堂里,食堂里大开着玻璃门,门前堆着沙
0057 袋,英国兵就在那里架起了大炮往外打。海湾里的军舰摸准了炮弹的来源,少不
0058 得也一一还敬。隔着棕榈树与喷水池子,子弹穿梭来往。柳原与流苏跟着大家一
0059 同把背贴在大厅的墙上。那幽暗的背景便像古老的波斯地毯,织出各色的人物,
0060 爵爷,公主,才子,佳人。毯子被挂在竹竿上,迎着风扑打上面的灰尘,啪啪打
0061 着,下劲打,打得上面的人走投无路。炮子儿朝这边射来,他们便奔到那边;朝
0062 那边射来,便奔到这边。到后来一间敞厅打得千疮百孔,墙也坍了一面,逃无可
0063 逃,只得坐下地来,听天由命。

May 07, 2008, 10:31 PM0009 哄着拍着孩子 Playing with the child
0014 做一日和尚撞一天钟 According to this is a 俗语。比喻遇事敷衍,得过且过。也有无可奈何,勉強从事的意思。
Can you explain to me how the suyu can mean this?..::)
(I wrote that before your typo alert. I'm happy that no one can understand your remark about Wang Er...)
0016 罗愁绮恨= ?
0033 把头磕在门洞子 0034 里的水泥墙上 First, who is doing this? Liuyuan? He does this because he is tired I suppose.. but it also suggests an old fashioned Chinese greeting.
0035 浅水湾 This is Repulse bay, on southern Hong Kong island. Our friend Wiki says "In 1841, the bay was used as a base by pirates and caused serious concern to foreign merchant ships trading with China. The pirates were subsequently repulsed by the British Fleet; hence the name. Another theory holds that the bay was named after the HMS Repulse which was stationed at the bay at one point."
0039 好容易今天设法弄到了这部卡车。 Indeed, it must have been difficult!
0057 海湾里的军舰 Japanese warships, the British men-of-war had been sent away to Singapore.
0059 把背贴在大厅的墙上。What is the purpose of 背 ?
0060 毯子被挂在竹竿上,迎着风扑打上面的灰尘,啪啪打 0061 着,下劲打,打得上面的人走投无路。"The carpet was hung on bamboo poles, and the wind beat ferociously against it. The people picured on the carpet could not get away." - strange picture, but I can't find a better interpretation..:)
May 08, 2008, 08:24 AM0014 做一日和尚撞一天钟 I have not been able to find an explanation.
0016 罗愁绮恨= ?
罗绮 愁恨
two kinds of fabric /two words for pain – the metaphor of a huge storing box--- I can make poetic sense of this but I do not know where the four word expression comes from。
0033 把头磕在门洞子 0034 里的水泥墙上 First, who is doing this? Liuyuan? He does this because he is tired I suppose.. but it also suggests an old fashioned Chinese greeting.
见是柳原,(When)she saw it was FLY 她捉住他 0033 的手 she grabbed his hand ,紧紧搂住他的手臂 tightly clutched his wrist ,像阿栗搂住孩子似的 the way A Li had done clutching her child ,人 she 向前一扑 sunk forward ,把头磕在门洞子 0034 里的水泥墙上 bumping her head against the concrete wall of the main entrance 。柳原用另外的一只手托住她的头 LY, using his free hand to lift/hold/steady her head ,急促地道 hastily said :
0035 浅水湾 This is Repulse bay, on southern Hong Kong island. 0057 海湾里的军舰 Japanese warships, the British men-of-war had been sent away to Singapore.
Thank you – good to know.
0059 What is the purpose of 背 ?
I see this as:
their backs 把背 pressed 贴 在大厅的墙上 against the wall of the dining room (pressing their backs ...)
0060 毯子被挂在竹竿上,迎着风扑打上面的灰尘,啪啪打 0061 着,下劲打,打得上面的人走投无路。"The carpet was hung on bamboo poles, and the wind beat ferociously against it. The people picured on the carpet could not get away." - strange picture, but I can't find a better interpretation..:)
迎着风 can also simply mean facing the wind – into the wind—and then the (very forceful and insistent) beating might also be done by someone else –i.e. it might still depend on the passive marker 被 in the first part of the sentence. Otherwise I would have to understand it as the frantic flapping of a lighter, i.e. woven fabric – but it does say Persian rug --- yes, strange, but impressive.
May 08, 2008, 05:48 PM做一日和尚撞一天钟 I found a German translation : as long as you are a monk, you ring the bell, meaning: to do one's job without a sense of commitment and responsibility. I cannot vouch for this being the primary meaning (it does not sound very respectful of religious orders). Maybe we will come across the saying in a context where we can get a proper feeling for it. Here it is, after all, just a strange insertion.

May 08, 2008, 09:10 PMI'm a litte slow these days, my mathematics is going too well...:)
Just one question.. why do you translate "人 she 向前一扑 sunk forward" - I don't know that 人 can be used as personal pronoun , and I am not sure why it means "her" = Liusu, except possibly from context?
May 07, 2008, 07:36 AMMajor typo alert and certain reduction of your puzzlement
阿栗做一日和尚撞一天钟 0015 闯出门去
should be
阿栗 便 闯出门去。 Must be the ghost of Wang Er...