Dominic $ Jenny's discussion

May 15, 2008, 01:04 AM posted in General Discussion

Okay, we are running a bit late than the others but oh well, we can always catch up aye=)

To start off this thread, I would like to make sure that we understand the content of the dialogues we have in our hands- The Come-On and Lover's Spat.

ll be back soon=)!

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May 15, 2008, 02:49 AM

Well we have to also discuss all the other texts, but lets start by inspecting the two ones we have. I'll start by talking about 'Lovers' Spat'. Well it's obviously about an argument between two lovers. The argument stems from a lack of communication when shopping for clothes. The female is very 'tiao ti le' and moves from one item of clotheing to the next without actually 'shi shi le', while the male is impatient and feels exasperated when she takes so long to choose. They have a fight, and the male tries to resolve the situation but the female gets angry at him saying: 'You're lying You obviously don't want to shop!' The dialogue doesn't end with a resolution of the conflict.

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May 18, 2008, 02:08 PM

非常好我的韩国的朋友. 星期二我们都应该 排练 (pai2lian4-to rehearse), 另外, 我们应该加入(to add)新对话的句子 (ju4zi-sentence)。 星期二见

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May 17, 2008, 12:57 PM

So there goes summaries for our part, right?

Hmm.. so what do you think about our plays in the context of the whole story? There are 8 or 9 plays in total I think.

Better go and scheme through them once more..OTL I'll be back:)!

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May 17, 2008, 11:36 PM

Here is a summary of the 1st dialogue ' A Fated Meeting'. Its the first (non internet) meeting of Chen Li and Zhang Liang. They are at a cafe (both ordering a Mocca coffee). Chen Li is very late and apologetic but Zhang Liang is fine with saying '没事儿'. Most of the conversation is about either work or their internet use. Zhang Liang is often working over time while Chen Li doesn't. But when Zhang Liang is at work he secretly hops on the internet (偷偷上网). I reckon the thing they like the most about the internet are the forums (论坛) and they seem to spend a lot of time there too! That's a basic summary wrap of the first dialogue. A summary of the 3rd dialogue coming up later on today.

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May 18, 2008, 07:55 AM

What follows is a summary of the third dialogue: 'The Jealous Friend' and, you guessed it, it's about a jealous friend. It starts with Chen Li and Zhang liang being late because he was working overtime. Chen Li's friend notes that Chen Li complains (怨呢) about this. Chen Li and her friend have been friends since kindergarden (幼儿园) Just as they’re ordering food the friend lets her feelings known. Sayng that they are the sort of people who value lovers over friends (你这个人重色轻友)。And now since Chen Li has Zhang Liang, Li is too busy for the friend (有了张亮就忘了我). Zhang Liang retorts by saying that Chen Li thinks about planning a dinner with the three of them everyday, yet the friend remains indignant. Exclaiming that she doesn’t want to be a third wheel. (电灯泡). Then, in the process of ordering, this already awkward situation escalates. In the process of ordering a lobster discussions of weight insue and Chen Li is called a housewife (家庭主妇). It's a rather tense dinner situation as you can see.

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May 18, 2008, 08:07 AM

This thread is in regards to the 5th dialogue ‘Love Letter’. This dialogue sheds some light on the relationship dynamic. Zhang Liang is a rather hopeless romantic while it seems that Chen Li is a touch more reserved. The dialogue starts with them talking about vitamins 维生素 before Chen Li makes mention of the love letter. Chen Li is really embarrassed and afraid that he can’t express himself eloquently in the letter. He makes the common disclaimer that this is the first love letter he has ever written. (这是我第一次写情书). A key worry of his is that he is too honest (老实) but Chen Li prefers this (to a point), asking what is the value of sweet talk (甜言蜜语有什么好呀). The dialogue ends with an incredibly cheesy line: 我心里只有你一个人。With Chen Li responding with restraint saying that he says something like that again she will stop paying attention to him. (再说我就不理你了)

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May 17, 2008, 12:47 PM

Yes, typical shopping spree date situation haha! There is never a sound resolution for one of those sticky moments!

Well, then I'll start by looking at THE COME-ON: It's some serious flirting lines happening here. Zhang Liang and Li Fei are work colleagues and they are working hard that continues till the late night. Li Fei makes the brave move first by asking Zhang Liang out for a late dinner. She starts to say things like "Only-if-you-were-my-boyfriend" stuffs. And of course, Zhang Liang shews off her humble-ness for Li Fei's flattering words by saying "我觉得自己没什么特别的”Well, does he really think so or is that just another way to get her say more of overtly-praising words? (haha) Now Li Fei puts him upon a pedestal and gives the best praises she can think of: that he is responsible(有责任心), humble(谦虚), funny(幽默), and considerate(体贴). Well, it's Zhang Liang's turn now to praise her: he implies that she is unlike 现在的人who 注重金钱和物质. They agree that there are less and less people who focus primarily on how they feel about each other. And finally, Zhang Liang takes a rather unexpected blow - that just beside him is someone who can genuinely love him! I thought that was a bit unexpected from the start because well, you usually think no typical Asian girls would not make the first move like Li Fei did! Bravo for Li Fei =)!

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May 18, 2008, 08:27 AM

So in light of these dialogues it is obvious that Zhang Liang is a bit of a hopeless romantice with unrealistic beliefs in the exceptional nature of his girlfriend

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May 18, 2008, 12:23 PM

Hopeless romantice? haha well, lets have a look at the rest of dialogues:)

Okay, here is the 2nd dialogue: Growing Affections Zhang Liang offers to walk Lily home after they have dinner. Lily politely rejects him to do so, since hes got work the next day and she doesnt want to 麻烦(trouble) him. But does Zhang Liang listen to her? Of course no! It seems like his real intention behind this was to figure out where Lily lives so he can pick her up more often later because he is worried that she has to come and fro everyday for her work. (每天上班怎么元,我怎心疼)And here again, they flirt with each other by throwing various flattering lines such as 你的睫毛真漂亮(you eyelashes are so beautiful) and 一天中最失落的时候就是离开你(the saddest part of my day is to leave you). So this is continuous flirting spirits going on here.

Did you realise they call mascara 睫毛膏? i just found it very witty!

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May 18, 2008, 12:39 PM

Okay, so move on to the 6th dialogue: An Old Flame.

Here, our good'ol Zhang Liang is concerned as Lili "coincidently" runs into her friend called Liu Xiang from back in those days. It turns out that he used to hate coffee but they ran into each other at the coffee shop, which also happened to be one level below Liu Xiang's rather humble "自己的小生意而已"(my own "small" business). His business has even got listed on the US stock market! (which obviously impresses Lily). The fact that he 一会要开会(got a meeting).After this rather dramatic encounter comes Zhang Liang who is ashamed for himself letting a lady like Lily arriving before than and waiting for him. Zhang Liang recognises Liu Xiang, who was on TV as an young and charming internet millionaire! Zhang Liang is suspicious of Lily's past spent with Liu Xiang - asking her why she hasn't told him about such a 老朋友. Lily responds in her cool manner - that it is all the "thing of the past" (都是过去的事了) But does Zhang Liang believe that? Well, we'll have to see:)!

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May 18, 2008, 12:53 PM

So finally, we reach the last diaolgue out of this whole story: scheming girls!

Here, Lily's friend Fei Fei happens to work at the same job as Zhang Liang and to everyone's surprise, she finds him quite charming! She sighs as she hears that Lily and Zhang Liang are in fact a couple. She ocomplains how "这年头好男人都被人挑光了" (all good men are already taken by other girls this days). After all, she is just another person who fell for Zhang Liang's 才华(talent) and 帅(handsome-ness). Now Chen Jing volunteers to be a 'love doctor' or some sort to give hope to Fei Fei's unrequited love by suggesting "要不要约他吃顿饭,喝杯东西啊?" (Asking him out for a meal or drink?) A very conscious and loyal girl Fei Fei hesitates - but Chen Jing does not give up pursuading her by saying that in the end, Zhang Liang and Lily may not work out to be together!

Not that is what I call a bad friend there! haha:)

Well, now that we are done with analysing how our play fits into the whole play- its heaps easiers to figure out the personalities and background of the characters better, aye:)? I'm glad that we've actually gone through this process since it gave us a better perspective in playing these roles.

Good work Dom:)!

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May 18, 2008, 08:26 AM

This thread is in regards to the 7th dialogue, ‘A Guy’s advice on Women’. Well it seems that Zhang Liang is not in a great position with his lady: Chen Li. Chen Li has recently caught up with her old flame who is a billionaire after successful navigation of the internet business market. Zhang Liang is obviously worried and decides to talk with one of his good friends. However, his good friend is less than reassuring in his guidance. He drops this precious gem: 哪个女人不喜欢这种年轻有为的男人?开跑车,喝红酒,送钻石。我们怎么和他比? Which is essentially saying: ‘which woman wouldn’t want to be with this sort of guy. Drives sports cars, drinks red wine, gives diamonds. How can us schmucks compete!!!!!!!!’ In reply, Zhang Liang comes across like a whole two planets of naïve stating the oft said, rarely realised belief that his girlfriend is different from all the other 3 billion + women on the planet: 丽丽和一般的女孩子不一样。As well he states the worryingly foreshadowing phrase: ‘she would never deceive me’ (她是绝对不会骗我的.) The dialogue ends with a less than positive conclusion from Zhang Liang’s friend who hints at a possible reason for Chen Li being so busy recently.