Beijing-Shanghai @380km/h

September 03, 2008, 11:33 AM posted in General Discussion


















高铁时速可达380公里  jīng n. short for Beijing
 Hù n. short name for Shanghai
铁路和谐号”通车已经一个月  jīn short for Tianjin 
和谐 héxié s.v. harmonious /n. harmony
中国铁道部官员表示连接北京上海之间的铁路时速最高可达380公里,成为世界上最快的铁路 铁道部 tiědàobù n. railway department/ministry
铁路 tiělù n. railway; railroad M:条
另外,城际铁路开通运营一个月来,运送旅客超过183万人次,较去年同期增长了128.4%。 运营 yùnyíng n. scheduled operations
运送 yùnsòng v. transport
中国官方媒体形容时速300至350公里列车运行平稳有序上座率一直很高,尤其是周末,几乎趟趟爆满 形容 xíngróng v. describe
平稳 píngwěn s.v. smooth; steady
有序 yǒuxù v.p. be orderly
上座率 shàngzuòlǜ n. occupancy rate
爆满 bàomǎn v.p. be fully occupied
尤其是 yóuqíshì v.p. especially
高铁设计时速350公里,早前媒体报道说,初期运营时速为300公里 设计 shèjì v./n. plan 
时速 shísù n. hourly speed
初期 chūqī n. initial stage
不过中国新华社和《中国日报引述铁道部官员称,最高时速可能达到380公里 新华社 Xīnhuáshè Xinhua News Agency
引述 yǐnshù v. quote (sb.'s words)
届时往来之间的路程将由现在的约10小时缩短不足5小时。 届时 jièshí adv. on the occasion
路程 lùchéng n. journey
缩短 suōduǎn r.v. shorten; cut down
不足 bùzú s.v. be less than
预料铁路通车后,输送能力将达到单向每年8000万人次。 预料 yùliào v./n. expect; predict
通车 tōngchē v.o. be open to traffic
输送 shūsòng v. carry; transport
单向 dānxiàng attr. one-way
高速铁路已经在4月18日正式全面开工建设新华社引述中国铁道部总工程师何华武称,原计划5年后建成,也可能提前完工。 建设 jiànshè n. construction
总工程师 zǒnggōngchéngshī n. chief engineer
建成 jiànchéng r.v. construct; build
提前 tíqián v. advance date
报道称,高速铁路全长1318公里全线共设21个车站。 公里 gōnglǐ m. kilometer
全线 quánxiàn n. whole line; entire length
目前沿线五大工程,包括北京南站、南京南站、上海虹桥站等已经全部开工建设,其中北京南站已经完工并投入使用 沿线 yánxiàn n. along the line
虹桥 hóngqiáo n. arched bridge
投入使用 tóurùshǐyòng put to use
这条高速铁路将由中国自主建设,是新中国成立以来一次性投资规模最大的建设项目总投资达2209.4亿元。 自主 zìzhǔ v. take the initiative
一次性 yīcìxìng attr. one-time
规模 guīmó n. scale
项目 xiàngmù n. project
总投资 zǒngtóuzī n. total/gross investment
原定于上世纪90年代开工建设高速铁路论证了近15年,其间经历了三任总理。由于出现许多争议时至今日才开始落实 论证 lùnzhèng v. expound and prove
经历 jīnglì v. go through; undergo
争议 zhēngyì v./n. dispute; controversy
时至今日 shízhìjīnrì f.e. at this late hour
落实 luòshí v. implement
新闻 报道 bàodào v./n. report (news)
表示 biǎoshì v. show; express; indicate
官员 guānyuán n. official
媒体 méitǐ n. media
日报 rìbào n. daily newspaper
引述 yǐnshù v. quote (sb.'s words)
目前 mùqián n. at present; at the moment
新华社 Xīnhuáshè Xinhua News Agency
地理 世界 shìjiè world
中国 Zhōngguó China
北京 Běijīng Beijing (Peking)
上海 Shànghǎi Shanghai
南京 Nánjīng Nanjing (capital of Jiangsu)
政治 官方 guānfāng attr. official
总理 zǒnglǐ n. premier; prime minister
运送 连接 liánjiē v. link 
列车 lièchē n. train
旅客 lǚkè n. passenger
铁路 tiělù n. railway; railroad M:条
铁道部 tiědàobù n. railway department/ministry
运送 yùnsòng v. transport
运营 yùnyíng n. scheduled operations
运行 yùnxíng n./v. move; be in motion

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September 06, 2008, 06:57 PM


I've never been a news hound, always bored with current events and have tried many times to use the newspaper to study Chinese, but I always get bored, preferring to use things like Movies and song lyrics to help me study Chinese.  I decided I'm going to have to FORCE myself to use News as a way to study since there's such a wealth of resources in a 50 cent newspaper to keep me going for ages.  Besides, I really need to keep up better with what's going on in the world.

Because of this I decided to join your group.  This is the first time I've ever seen the 新闻团体 and I must say...WOW, I'm impressed big time! 

You have all the new words with definitions, links back to the online dictionary, categorization for words related to subjects like politics and  place names!  The frequency of reoccurances of words in a list with links.  This is truly amazing!  It makes my group look very amaturish by comparison.


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September 06, 2008, 08:54 PM

So that will go from Beijing to Shanghai in 5 hours?

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September 07, 2008, 06:03 AM

bazza, …不足5小时, less than 5 hours

xiaohu, thanks for this, it encourages me to carry on. I have been annotating vocabulary for myself long before setting up 88news. By making it a little more systematic, I was able to use a script I regulary fine tune to produce this layout. There's no way I could manually add dictionary links etc.



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September 07, 2008, 03:50 PM


Whether it's all manual, or just a plug and play script, either way it looks wonderful, and it's so useful!  This is the near perfect format for learning Chinese through the written word.

Great work!

By the way, would I be able to use your script for my group as well?

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September 07, 2008, 04:45 PM

By the way: I have an Excel file where I track which of your articles I read and which one I have neglegted so far.

And yes: I do read old news.

As I do not read them for their immediate news value, there is nothing stale about them. More of the opposite: Sometimes it is really interesting to go back and see a viewpoint that is a little older...

I don't know why, but my goal is to read 4,000 news items (here or elsewhere). I am of the unfounded hope that after the magical 4000 barrier I will approach my English news reading capabilities...

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September 07, 2008, 05:56 PM

xiaohu, anyone can use this script, you just need to follow the syntax. I put together a short description of the process, will add a few more tips and post here.

henning, it's interesting, I personally don't keep a list of formatted news, I have pretty much all the raw data on file somewhere though ... I stopped counting after 300, but 4000?