phonetic map : 反 fǎn

October 04, 2008, 05:34 PM posted in General Discussion

@ 反

fǎn v. return
返回 fǎnhuí r.v. come/go back
fǎn turn over /upside down /on the contrary
反对 fǎnduì v. oppose; be against
fàn n. cooked rice or other cereals
早饭 zǎofàn n. breakfast
bǎn printing plate/edition
出版 chūbǎn to publish; come out
bǎn n. board; plank
黑板 hēibǎn n. blackboard
pàn b.f. betray; rebel; revolt
反叛 fǎnpàn v. revolt; rebel
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September 20, 2008, 01:57 PM

Henning and Goulniky, this group is a great resource!  Thanks.

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October 13, 2008, 01:24 PM

CSV-list (for the import to Flashcard apps; "@" is delimeter):

出版@chūbǎn@to publish; come out
反@fǎn@turn over /upside down /on the contrary
反叛@fǎnpàn@v. revolt; rebel
反对@fǎnduì@v. oppose; be against
叛@pàn@b.f. betray; rebel; revolt
早饭@zǎofàn@n. breakfast
板@bǎn@n. board; plank
版@bǎn@printing plate/edition
返@fǎn@v. return
返回@fǎnhuí@r.v. come/go back
饭@fàn@n. cooked rice or other cereals
黑板@hēibǎn@n. blackboard

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September 25, 2008, 04:31 PM

hape , there is no hard and fast rule for the meaning of these 3 columns,but the phonetic character itself will always be in the middle.

see my post on phonetic maps explained.


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September 25, 2008, 05:08 PM

Thanks a lot!

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September 25, 2008, 06:20 PM

I should add that I only use tables as it's by far the easiest way to structure information in html, in fact it's the only possibility since CPod does not allow javascript in comments.

But what I would ideally want to do is have the phonetic root in the center and the characters using it placed at regular interval on an orbit around. There wouldn't be columns and dilemna what to put in what box.


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September 25, 2008, 04:21 PM

Sorry, but I don't quite understand the role of the 3 columns...

Why is pan/betray in the middle column? Why is the middle column of the ban's empty? Any reason for this?

Anyway, I think these maps help a lot to have a new view on characters and their prononciation.


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September 26, 2008, 03:46 AM

I remember knowledge mgt hype days, not specifically hyperbolic tree maps, however I still know quite a few people who can't live without mindmaps and supporting software. Being very visual, I do like maps actually,  I find them amazing, we could probably use them more for learning.

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September 26, 2008, 04:43 AM

Here is an explanation of Hyperbolic Trees.

And here an example (Jave required).

That would be a nice navigational device for Hanzi, wouldn't it?

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September 26, 2008, 05:12 AM

Hyperbolic tree: 双曲线树 (shuāngqūxiànshù)

双曲线 (shuāngqūxiàn) = Hyperbola

There are 3D-Versions also which are called

三维双曲线树 (sānwéishuāngqūxiànshù)

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October 04, 2008, 07:29 PM

yes, that's cool, much smarter than the 2 concentric ellipses I use in my simple JavaScript - should be more adaptive, will fine tune when I have time (at least it's a single script)

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September 25, 2008, 06:48 PM

Do you remember those "hyperbolic tree maps" from thw times of the golden Knowledge Management hype?