Someone needs to start

September 30, 2008, 11:05 AM posted in General Discussion

CPod, call-to-action (take 2)

Credit where credit is due : this was originally from mandarinboy, posted days 3 ago in ChinesePod Groups Feedback.  But here I am, goulniky, able to edit / modify anybody's post, push it to another group even. The good news is I am being tracked, but I will appear as the person who posted in the first place. 

Since no one else have posted I do an attempt. I do use the community a lot. This is simply because I there get more information for other students struggling with the same issues as I am. In the forums there are many very nice debates around studying, learning, strategies, tips and more. Any sort of query I do have I can have answered in the community by other very kind students. I can feel that I lack a lot of functionality in the community e.g.

- A real forum. Why leave Cpod to go to the forum? Weird idea to me.

- Search functionality that lets med define good search criteria, like age, groups, subjects etc.

- Possibility to use more text features in the post. As it is now it is easier to write the text in word and then paste it.

- On line collaboration. I would like to be able to share and search study e.g. lists in a fast and simple way. Many of us do create study lists that collects e.g. verbs, good to know expressions etc. That would be nice to be able to reuse.



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September 29, 2008, 03:03 PM

Currently, the groups serve as a rudimentary Forum for me.

Rudimentary, as there is no real hierarchy or overview over posts, no real search or sorting function, no highlighting of unread posts etc. etc. Right now a "group" is simply a container for related posts. That is certainly already better then the raw Conversation section. As the number of groups grow, however, it is often not easy to find a group.

Most urgently needed functions are:

  • Short term: Sorting of posts in a thread  - by date, by author etc.
  • Short term: The option to manually number threads so they are more like the lessons in 88groups.
  • Mid term: Full-text Search.

Further navigation options I would really love to see:

  • Short term: The possibility to select (or exclude) group posts in Conversations - both for groups in general and for specific groups.
  • Mid term: More hierarchy levels.
  • Mid term: Highlighting of unread posts.
  • Long term: Threading.

To really turn this into a group learning device you need to add some functions. The following ones would be especially helpful for the News, Character Points, or the 红楼梦 groups:

  • Short term: Vocab lists - an option add vocab lists to lessons (= threads) or the entire group. Those vocab lists could ideally be transported to the own vocab base.
  • Long term: Attachments - to share study material. Now if you are afraid of file size - limit it. I am thinking along the lines of CSV-files, transcripts, etc.

There are billions of additional ideas but the ones mentioned above would be relieving some pain I have with this functionality.

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September 29, 2008, 10:19 PM

Many good ideas here.For me ,I particularly like the idea proposed by henning of being able to highlight unread posts.As I'm relatively new and still want to go back through the old lessons I want to know what I have and haven't read.Although I would do this a little differently than highlighting what I haven't read.I'd do it the other way around.I'd like to be able to mark each entry as having been read as I go.A button that comes up automatically with each persons entry similar to the mark as studied button for each lesson.

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September 30, 2008, 11:28 AM

qi2guai4 .I posted the above post 13 hours ago but it's just showing up under the comments section 19 minutes ago .Go figure.

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October 07, 2008, 09:03 AM


I'll check on that babadardwan.


Thank you for your post. I will note all your suggestions in my report.


Please feel free to leave any other thoughts or concerns.


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October 07, 2008, 10:04 AM

an even simpler feature to implement than henning suggested with select (or exclude) group posts in Conversations would be to add one option under Show:   and that would be group conversations. Only options today are all, my, user, lesson, extra, grammar, glossary.

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October 08, 2008, 05:21 PM


I must apply for a "group membership" to post here.

The whole CP community lacks functionality, just look at some professional forum software...