Momo Konta and Keiko Imai's Group Project

September 29, 2008, 12:58 AM posted in General Discussion

Hi Keiko,

How are you?

I am going to work on the group project on this week. Hope we can have discussion once we get back to Uni.

Anyways, I will be posting some issues, thoughts etc here.

Have a nice holiday!!

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October 04, 2008, 07:19 AM

Hi again!

I have listen and read some of the dialogues for the group project.  Here are some of my thoughts.

The first dialogue, 'The Other Woman', I found it bit frustraiting as Lili was mistaken Zhangliang.  I thought Zhangliang was being honest and working very hard (by working overtime). I also felt bit pitty for Zhangliang as he couldn't earn his trust. What an unlucky day for him.

The second dialogue, 'Confinding...', I thought that Lili is lucky to have a nice friend but she was not so convinced(as later she breaks up with Zhangliang).  Maybe Lili cannot trust guys for some reason? Maybe he did something in the past?? I just wonder why she was not convinced by her friend.

The third dialogue, ' The Breakup', I believe this is our conversation?! Which one do you want to be? Anyways, this is the critical moment for the couple. I think we can make it somehow funny....Lili can be fully unreasonalble and gives so many things that Zhangliang did not do right in the past. This is also kind of an ugly scene. How should we recreat it??

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October 04, 2008, 07:39 AM

The 4th dialogue where Zhangliang's dad gives advice to him, I found it little weired because I do not talk about gf/bf stuffs to my parents. Do you?Maybe it is Chinese thing? But I also think that he is from new generation because in old days of China, arrange marriage was norm.  Anyways, I think the Dad is nice that he try to talk to the broken hearted Son.

The 5th one, 'Seeking...', I was like wow,,,Lili already found a new bf?!?! I got a feeling that this new guy and Lili will soon to be broken-up but....Well, he can be conforting since she had a big break up and he likes a lot too.  I just wished that she can be happy after all.

The 6th dialogue, 'Unconfortable...', at the begining I was bit confused about who was saying which lines etc., but I got the idea that it was an awkward situation where the ex-to-be bf, Zhangliang and the new bf meet up (kinda)by accident. I think this was the first time they met and probably the last time too hahaha. I thought it was bit funny too.

The 7th dialogue, 'It's Over' I was so shoked!! Lili and the new bf already enagaged?!! 那麽快!!我覺得太快。你呢?我希望麗麗認識他得很好。I do not know how long they have been together but I hope she knows what shes doing and 張亮was such a nice guy!!

The last dialogue, 'It's Over AGAIN!', I did not expect this to happen. I thought Lili and the new bf will breakup (I just imagined from the title) Anyway, I was impressed how much Zhangliang liked Lili but she gave him no choice.  I found Lili a cold person, and kind of selfish.  I think Zhangliang diserve a better girl who cares about him.

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October 08, 2008, 06:19 AM

Hi momo!! im planning to have thouroughly look over the dialogues again. Hopefully we can recreate the dialogues assigned to us and make it more interesting. Will post again very soon!!

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October 09, 2008, 06:29 AM

hey momo. I read all the dialogues and these are the main ideas, and how i interpreted the story.

The Other Woman:the introduction narrative "the other woman really gives an intense start to the whole love story between zhang liang and lili. lili misinterprets the whole situation of zhang liang being at work as an excuse for "cheating" with another woman. lili's self-centred way of thinking causes the couple to have an argument, hence resulting in lili's avoidance of zhang liang's calls.

Confiding in a Conniving Friend: In this episode lili consults her friend chen jing for advice. lili feels that she has misjudged zhang liang and seems as if she is heading in the direction of breaking up with zhang liang. her ignorant and vulnerable thoughts are evident throughout the dialogue and decides that zhang liang is not the right person for her. 

The Breakup:This is the dialogue that we're going to perform. It is the climax of the story, the episode "the breakup" reveals that there is no trust in the relationship. lili refuses to accept nor consider zhang liangs explanation. This episode also reveals zhang liangs true feelings toards lili's relationship with liu xiang. Both zhang liang and lilis stubborn nature causes the relationship to end.

A Dad Gives Advice to a Broken-Hearted Son: A sense of regret is noticed in zhang liang. zhang liang speaks to his father about his breakup with lili. His father tries to give his son advice however zhang liang seems too emotionally unstable to hear others' opinions. It seems as if zhang liang and lili are too young for commitment. 

Seeking Comfort: It seems like liu xiang has a chance to make a move on lili. She is in a depressed state of mind. liu xiang takes his chance and reveals his true feelings to lili. lili is moved by his feelings and decides to accept him as her new boyfriend. I really did not like lilis decision. People usually cannot make rational decision when they are emotionally hurt. If i were i would have tried to fix the relationship with zhang liang instead up running away from the problem.

momo buhaoyisi. wo dei qu chi fan. i'll post more of my ideas later tonight. 


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October 09, 2008, 06:58 AM

Hey Momo. wo gang cai chi fan. hen hao chi^^*

anyways back to zhang liang and lili's love story.

Uncomfortable Encounter in a Bar: This episode is really interesting. All the characters co-incidently meet at the same bar. Zhang Liang's friend is introduced. Zhang Liang's friend seems really loyal. He protects zhang liang however by doing this conflict is created between liu xiang and zhang liangs friend. A very eventful and interesting episode.

It's Over: The idea of "timing" is significant to this episode. It seems as if the scene is set a few years after the breakup. I was also very shocked to find out the lili was married. I did not expect that she would last that long with liu xiang. I felt a sense of regret when zhang liang congratulated lili. 

It's Over(Again): zhang liang tries to get lili back however fails. They end up having another argument. It seems like things have after all not changed after time(when it comes to their relationship). I am really dissapointed in how the story ended. I wanted them to end up being friends, however everytime they are together, they both become immature and act like 5 year olds. 

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October 09, 2008, 07:06 AM

concerning our dialogue "The Breakup".

Your idea of making lili a far more unreasonable character would make the dialogue humorous. How about we make her complain about small things like 

=zhang liang chews with his mouth open

=zhang liang looks in the mirror too much and cares about his appearance

=zhang liang is too weak and emotional(cries whilst watching soapies on tv)

do you have anymore ideas you would like to add?

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October 14, 2008, 10:54 AM


Your idea sounds great!! Make it 非常挑剔 and zhangliang can be very patient.

What should we do about the other one??It' Over....Maybe Lili can be more unreasonable here.

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October 16, 2008, 04:03 AM

Actually, i want to start recreating the dialogue....I would be start recreating the first dialogue, adding your ideas etc, so if you have more ideas, let me know....and if you have time can you please start with the second one? I will add more ideas, once I have done with the first one.