phonetic map : 申 shen

October 12, 2008, 05:30 PM posted in General Discussion

@ 申

shēn to stretch; proclaim
延伸 yánshēn to extend
伸冤 shēnyuān to seek redress of injustice
shēn 9th/12 earthly branches / to express; explain
申请 shēnqǐng to apply for
重申 chóngshēn to reiterate
shēn gentry; notable
绅士 shēnshì gentleman
shěn to examine; interrogate
审查 shěnchá to investigate
审判 shěnpàn (legal) trial
shén god; spirit; magical
精神 jīngshén spirit; mind
神奇 shénqí miraculous
shěn aunt **
婶妈 shěnmā father's brother's wife
shēn to recite
呻吟 shēnyín to groan; moan
shēn arsenic
砷中毒 shēnzhòngdú n. arsenic poisoning
shèn arsine
chēn to pull out; stretch
抻面 chēnmiàn hand-pulled noodles
chàng smooth; free
畅通 chàngtōng unimpeded
畅快 chàngkuài carefree
kūn ☷ ** / female
坤表 kūnbiǎo woman's watch

** wife of one's father's younger brother
** one of the Eight trigrams (☷) and second hexagram in 易经 Yìjīng (The Book of Changes)

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October 13, 2008, 02:16 PM

CSV-list (for the import to Flashcard apps; "@" is delimeter):

伸@shēn@to stretch; proclaim
伸冤@shēnyuān@to seek redress of injustice
呻@shēn@to recite
呻吟@shēnyín@to groan; moan
坤@kūn@female / one of the Eight trigrams (☷) and second hexagram in 易经 Yìjīng (The Book of Changes)
坤表@kūnbiǎo@woman's watch
婶@shěn@aunt (wife of one's father's younger brother)
婶妈@shěnmā@father's brother's wife
审@shěn@to examine; interrogate
审判@shěnpàn@(legal) trial
审查@shěnchá@to investigate
延伸@yánshēn@to extend
抻@chēn@to pull out; stretch
抻面@chēnmiàn@hand-pulled noodles
申@shēn@9th/12 earthly branches / to express; explain
申请@shēnqǐng@to apply for
畅@chàng@smooth; free
砷中毒@shēnzhòngdú@n. arsenic poisoning
神@shén@god; spirit; magical
精神@jīngshén@spirit; mind
绅@shēn@gentry; notable
重申@chóngshēn@to reiterate

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October 13, 2008, 02:19 PM

Sorry for the cluttering! Now I will get calm again - I eventually catched up with goulniky with these posts. Hope somebody out there finds them to be useful supplements.

For the record: According to my Excel file, goulniky already covered 305 distinct characters with his tables.