My one wish improvement
November 06, 2008, 06:31 AM posted in General DiscussionSo over some of the last days, I decided to look for some new words. I had just over 250 words that I knew. What I decided to do was check each of the characters that I knew to see whether they could be used on their own or with other ones which I already knew.
For example, I took 小心 and found:
小朋友,小姐,开心,中心,心里 (those being mixed with characters I already knew)
This process took me roughly 3-5 hours, having to check all of the example sentences and I am sure that there must be some that I missed. But I think it was worth it as I now have an exact 400 (almost 60% more).
What I think would be a great improvement to the site, is if CP could do this for you.
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