Is it worth upgrading to the highest Cpod membership

November 16, 2008, 03:53 PM posted in General Discussion

I need to knowbecause i am on premuium at the moment and while it is good, when I speak with my chinese sister in law I forget what to say, and think I need that 10 mins a day guidance with a study plan. Or should I stay on this level..? Thanks !

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November 29, 2008, 06:55 PM

Of course that depends.  The price difference between the executive plan and a premium plan subscription is quite big.

I did the the executive plan (called the "practice plan" at the time) last year for a couple months before my first trip to China. The 10 minute daily sessions, combined with the podcasts worked fairly well for my situation. (Thank you Vera.) I would recommend it to whoever can afford it and can commit the time to really prepare before each session.

The only real drawback I found was that 10 minutes goes by very fast.  The sessions seemed to be over just after they started.

If you have a relative or someone else who you can regularly practice with, a premium subscription would be enough.  However, despite having a wife who speaks fluently, I've found it worth the money to pay for real teachers.