Emperor Ai of Han - “断袖之癖"

November 25, 2008, 08:22 PM posted in General Discussion

In ancient China, there was a famous emperor,

汉哀帝 (Emperor Ai of Han), who may be the first (and only) gay emperor of China!

He had a relationship with a minor official, Dong Xian, which power grew as their relationship developed. Eventually, when Emperor Ai died, Dong Xian was forced to commit suicide.

There is a 成语 which describes the relationship between the two, "断袖之癖"



哀帝 - emperor Ai

董贤 - Dong Xian

袖子 【xiu4zi】- sleeve

枕 - 【zhen3】 - rest one's head on

起身 - here: to get up

不忍 - cannot bear to

惊醒 - wake up with a start

拔剑 - 【ba2jian4】 - draw one's sword

割断 - 【ge1duan4】to cut (off)

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November 26, 2008, 01:44 AM

Hey, thanks for posting this story!  I did a presentation on this emperor in my college Chinese class last year.  Slightly awkward in front of my conservative Chinese teacher, but a definite winner for sure. 

You wrote that he may be the first and only gay emperor in China, that seems a big underestimate in my mind.  From what I've read all the Han dynasty emperors but one were openly bisexual (they had to have kids remember).  Something tells me male concubines have always been around in the gilded halls of the emperor's home.

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November 26, 2008, 05:11 PM

Hi glosoli,

you're welcome! thanks for your corrections, I didn't really study the subject, but of course there must have been more 'bisexual' emperors. Do you know why there were so many during the Han dynasty? Was it different in this aspect to other dynasties?




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December 07, 2008, 10:41 AM

I'm not really sure why there were so many 'bisexual' emperors in the Han dynasty.  My guess is that in those days men with power and money could do whatever they wanted to and without any kind of religious based moral system there was no one getting mad.

Some clips from wikipedia (homosexuality in China):

Scholar Pan Guangdan (潘光旦) came to the conclusion that nearly every emperor in the Han Dynasty had one or more male sex partners. There are also descriptions of lesbians in some history books. It is believed homosexuality was popular in the Song, Ming and Qing dynasties.


Most homosexual behavior with a male courtesan or "singing boy" was associated with the luxurious and decadent behavior of the highest elite among the gentry and merchant classes.