Scripted play-back mp3 buttons for hands-off practice
December 23, 2008, 05:15 AM posted in General DiscussionI've been trying to find a way to practice writing sentences from the lesson. So I learned Greasemonkey and wrote a script that plays all the mp3 buttons of the "css_audio_btn" class (hopefully chinesepod doesn't change that any time soon) any number of times you want with any time delay in seconds. Sound useful to you? Try it out and if you have suggestions or bugs, send them to
You have to have firefox and greasemonkey installed to use the script. After you've done that, go to the "tools" menu and you can create a new script. Paste it this text, play around with the settings, and enjoy:
// Play all audio buttons
// version 1.0.0
// 2008-12-22
// Copyright (c) 2008, Bryce Hathaway (
// Released under the GPL license
// This is a Greasemonkey user script.
// You need to install Greasemonkey if you haven't already done so. Check it
// out at Check the "tools" menu in firefox
// for options on how to configure this script.
// ==UserScript==
// @name play_all
// @namespace
// @description Plays all the mp3 files in one Chinese pod page, prompting
// the user for repeat count and delay.
// ==/UserScript==
var global_counter = 0
var global_index = 0
mp3_buttons = document.getElementsByClassName('css_audio_btn')
if (mp3_buttons.length == 0) abort()
var choice = prompt("How many times would you like to play back all sounds?")
if (choice < 1) {
alert("Your entry should be a number greater than zero.")
global_counter = choice
choice = prompt("How many seconds should I delay between playback?")
if (choice < 1) {
alert("Your entry should be a number greater than zero.")
function playNextSound()
if (global_index >= mp3_buttons.length) {
global_index = 0
if (global_counter != 0) {
window.setTimeout(playNextSound, choice * 1000)
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