Resources for Characters.....

January 10, 2009, 12:04 AM posted in General Discussion

Fellow CPODers,

I love CPOD, unfortunately, there isn't a lot for learning how to write characters. This is the only area CPOD lacks, everything else is great. So I ask to those who do take time to learn how to write characters, what resources do you use? Books? Just writing a character hundreds of times? All advice is welcomed.



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January 10, 2009, 12:09 AM

Let me rephrase that. Not learn how to write as in stroke order, but learning/memorizing them.

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January 10, 2009, 03:00 AM

After man false starts in the past, I've finally found a few resources that are working for me:

1) Tuttle Learning Chinese Characters

I really like the method introduced in this book (see the review by "Lex"); I've had a much higher retention rate using this than my previous attempts at "rote" learning (ie. writing out the characters thousands of times).

In addition this book teaches useful vocab using the characters as they are introduced.

2) Pleco 2 dictionary (

I basically create flashcard sets for each chapter in "Learning Chinese Characters", then progress through 3 different tests

a) Definition

b) Stroke Order

c) Free-Answer (Writing)

The software uses Frequency Spacing, meaning that you see the characters that need more work more often. I usually run through about 50 characters per day per test mode; more if I have time. I recommend getting the optional "Tuttle Learner's Chinese-English Dictionary" for this program as it has, IMHO, the best definitions and example sentences for the HSK level A/B characters.

3) Other Practice

I try to write sentences on a regular basis using the characters I know (and filling in with pinyin for what I haven't learned yet).

As well, I attempt to "read" chinese material (no pinyin) for the purpose of reinforcing what I've learned. I usually just skip over what I don't know.

I quite like the reader "Rapid Literacy In Chinese" for reading practice. This one I read for reinforcement, comprehension, and for familiarizing myself with new characters.

4) Once finished the 800 characters introduce in "Learning Chinese Characters" I'd recommend continuing that method with more characters from the book "Reading and Writing Chinese".

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January 10, 2009, 04:02 AM

Thanks alot for the advice!