Vocabulary Export to Pleco 2.0 Not Working

March 30, 2009, 01:16 PM posted in General Discussion

Is anyone having the same problem?  When I export to Pleco 2.0, the xml data is empty.  I've tried it a few times and I always get the following (no data):

<plecoflash formatversion="2" creator="ChinesePod User calkins" generator="ChinesePod Vocabulary Exporter" created="1238417653">

Has anyone gotten the new export feature to work for 2.0?


In addition to the export function from the Vocab. Manager, what about adding one on each Lesson's Vocabulary Page?  It would be easier than weeding through the vocab. manager.  It could be done as a user studies a lesson...I always think the fewer the steps and the fewer the web pages needed to be navigated, the better.

WLCP's export to Pleco function for each lesson is great.  Anyway, just a thought.

Also, any ETA for traditional character support for the Vocab. Manager?

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March 30, 2009, 01:36 PM

Good news and bad news.  Nevermind about the export to Pleco 2.0 not working.  It works.

Unfortunately, many of my categories no longer contain any vocabulary in them...so that's why nothing was being exported.

It's not a big deal now - I don't use the vocab. manager because IMO it's a subpar tool.  But if it does ever improve, I'll be sad many of my vocab. is gone. 

You may want to check to see if any of yours has magically disappeared.