Are you a Chinese speaking 'Study Skills' 老师?

May 15, 2009, 08:04 AM posted in General Discussion

I am interested in making contact (if possible) with a Chinese speaking poddie with an academic background who is either already experienced in teaching or willing to design a course in "Study Skills" for Chinese freshmen at my school.

By "Study Skills" I mean the basics like how to make useful notes, how to read effectively, how to use different mental techniques as aids to memory and so on. But the label is flexible and could include more than that.

The right person would be willing to come to south east Guangdong for a week or so in early September, teaching approximately 180 students in classes of approximately 30, and teaching in fluent Chinese would be quite important.

If this is you or anyone you know I'd be interested in hearing from you for possible further discussion.

I hope this post is not unwelcome or inappropriate, I'd just like to know if any poddies here can help.

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