Radicals 26-30 (6 of 30)
July 19, 2009, 12:05 PM posted in General Discussionjié 'seal'
Strokes: 2 Examples 仰 危 卾
笔画: 竖横折钩 shù héng zhé gōu
Means seal as in 'seal ring'
fù 'left-ear' and yì 'right-ear'
Strokes: 2
Examples for fù 阹 阞 隘
Examples for yì 邒 邛 郜
The Radical fù (left-ear) goes on the left hand side of a character, whereas yì (right-ear), goes on the right hand side of a character, otherwise, these two Radicals are identical.
fù means mound, yì means city.
笔画: 橫撇弯钩竖 héng piē wān gōu shù
kǎn 'bowl'
Strokes: 2 Examples 凶 凼 凸
笔画: 竖折竖 shù zhé shù
lì 'strength'
Strokes: 2 Examples 劝 劣 劸
笔画: 橫折钩 héng zhé gōu
I like the relationship between tián 田 (field) and 力 = nán 男 (man). I suppose traditionally, a field is where a man used his strength.
Sources: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Index:Chinese_radical / http://www.geocities.com/tokyo/pagoda/3847/flux/radscheme.htm / http://www.kzxy.com.cn/Article/ArticleShow.asp?ArticleID=17116#%E4%B8%80%E7%94%BB%EF%BC%885%EF%BC%89 / Reading and Writing Chinese William McNaughton Tuttle Language Press
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