Regarding iMandarinPod
September 12, 2009, 07:29 PM posted in General DiscussionIt is possible to order DVDs of older lessons so that they do not "vanish into the ether". I like iMandarinPod as light relief from CP. The reading is slower and everything gets explained and spelled out. Also, the content is old-fashioned (lots of stuff about cultural hightlights and Chinese customs), so it is the ideal complement to CP.
They've been making a major mistake though, which I pointed out to them, namely that of reading out wrong examples in their podcasts. I told them they should only read out the correct form, and maybe describe the wrong form, but under no circumstances should the the wrong form be read out loud! If wrong Chinese is read out alongside correct Chinese, there's a 50% chance the former will stick. At least that's how my mind works when listening to a foreign language course.
September 12, 2009, 07:34 PMCould someone please remove this post of mine? The joining system somehow tricked me into posting it as a new thread, while it was meant as an answer to an existing thread. Why is it I can't edit (cancel) it seconds after publishing it?