List of the lessons on a PDF file

September 21, 2009, 09:16 AM posted in General Discussion

Is it possible to put somewhere on this website a PDF file with an updated liste of all the lessons (title of the lesson + level + name of the file) ?

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September 22, 2009, 07:17 AM

The daily update of this list won't be necessary.

A weekly or monthly update could be largely enough.

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September 22, 2009, 07:20 AM

That's a lot of lessons!

Not sure what file you mean when you say "name of the file."  Everyone wants different files...

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September 22, 2009, 07:51 AM

For today's lesson, it could be :

“90”后女孩炫富   Media   F1253

or just

“90”后女孩炫富   F1253

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September 22, 2009, 10:04 AM


I dont want to discourage cpod from creating one all inclusive list, but recently they did add the "view all" function to each lesson category on the lesson channels page. Go "Lessons" and then "channels" and click "view all" and you see a list of all newbie or elementary lessons for example. It is very easy to cut and paste and I did create an entire list about a month or so ago, but I have not updated it. Put them in excel and you can sort by category or lesson number. This is almost as good as what you are suggesting I would think. What it seems you are asking for is a higher level "view all" that includes all lessons, not just one channel. Perhaps that is something that could be added more easily?

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September 22, 2009, 10:34 AM


here is the list through lesson 1182. If I get a chance I will update it. The list only includes lessons, I did not add videos such as "whats the story" or the "menu stealer" nor did I include qing wen, or Dear amber, but you could add those very easily.

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September 22, 2009, 10:35 AM

Hi rjberki,

Yes that's right, this lists are very useful when ON-line (especially with the topic tags).

But to be able to check this lists OFF-line, I have to regularly print them. Using a PDF file to put the same information would be more practical and ecologically friendly.

Few months ago, I had almost the same list as yours but stopped updating it when files ID changed suddenly.

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September 22, 2009, 12:35 PM


Just made a PDF for you. It is here.

Let me know if you want it sorted differently.

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September 22, 2009, 04:18 PM

Thanks go_manly,

That's exactly what I was looking for.

As I listen to all the lessons the chronological order is fine for me.

The column called "Topic tags" should just be called "Level".

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September 22, 2009, 09:56 PM


I doubt you will want to print out 25 pages every week, so I'll probably update the list every month or two. I will change that column heading next update.

As an aside, I am in the process of updating my character dictionary.

At present it includes only vocabulary from Newbie and Elementary dialogs. When updated, it will also include vocab from the expansion sentences, though still only Newbie and Elementary.