Need help sorting vocabulary
September 29, 2009, 05:13 PM posted in General DiscussionI am trying to practice writing in Skritter. It's awesome! I've saved too many vocabulary words, though. To practice, I'd like to sort the words so I have the more basic ones at the top, or in a category like "First Characters". I've managed to do that for only the first two pages out of 28. Then, even though I select words, I can't apply the label. Any advice?
September 30, 2009, 02:04 AMlisaloon,
I just re-tested the functionality, and it sems to be working fine. Let me explain how it works.
1. Go to your vocabulary manager. (Me > Vocabulary, or use the "Vocabulary" link in the footer under "Me")
2. Check the words you want in your new label, then, using the "Apply Label" drop-down at the top, either apply an existing label, or create a new one for those words.
3. After you've got your labels assigned, find "Show:" at the top. The drop-down probably says "all vocabulary." Select your label from this list, and only those words will display.
4. Now click on the "Writing" link at the top. Skritter Lite will load only the words for the label your chose.
I hope that helps! Let me know if something is still unclear, or not working as you think it should...