October 27, 2009, 01:00 AM posted in General DiscussionDuring the 3 kingdoms[Mǎliáng de shíhou] there once was a horse[mǎ] in the mǎ river that was by a toad[má] and a grasshopper[mà] cursed[mà] and by ants[mǎ],dragonflies[mā] and a mammoth[mǎ] bitten.Zhēn máfan.Afterwards the vet,mummy Mǎ having been called upon to tend the cursed horse was asked: Mǎ māmā,nǐ gěi mǎ mǎ ma? When she replied méiyǒu,she was further asked by her godson [whose horse it was]:Nǐ gànmá gānmā Mǎ?
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