Please, urgent help needed with paid subscription!
November 28, 2009, 07:26 PM posted in General DiscussionI have an urgent question about my subscription! I've just upgraded to one month's premium today and payed $29 which is a lot of money for me but it says that this will expire on the 30th of November! That's only TWO days away! Does that mean I've just payed $29 for TWO days worth of lessons?! Please help! I'd be really upset if I've just payed all that money for only a few days worth of learning! Is there some way a member of staff can access my bill/user account and see what's up? Because I thought the whole idea to subscribing for a month's subscription was to have 30 days worth of paid content, not two! Please help ChinesePod! :S Emma
November 29, 2009, 10:26 AMWhoops, sorry! Please ignore this post! T urns out I had to wait for the payment to process or something. haha Newbie mistake!
November 29, 2009, 09:01 AMPlease, can someone help? I'm a Newbie and not sure what to do about this! :S