Windows 7 Chinese Characters

December 22, 2009, 03:09 AM posted in General Discussion

Anybody else here using Windows 7 and seeing wierd bolding of certain characters in Chinese?

If you're thinking "What the **** is he talking about?" have a look at this....

wierd bolding

PS...I have just found out just how un-user friendly, adding a picture here is, so if that does not come out right, I apologise!

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December 22, 2009, 03:14 AM

Ok, seems, that did not work!


hmm...Ok, new question hehe....anyone know how to insert a picture off your comp rather than a web address?

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December 24, 2009, 03:45 PM

Yep, it's absolutely the fonts. Some of the prettier fonts don't support all characters so you end up with a few characters in an older, bolder font. And fonts need to be set for each program.

I've been running Win7 for about a year and the best fonts IMHO are PMingLiu and NSimSun. FangSong is nice but it's kinda handwriting-like which makes it hard to read large blocks. And the fonts ending in hei are really easy to read: SimHei for example. They are headline fonts though so they look kinda blocky.

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December 22, 2009, 03:43 AM

It might be a limitation of the font? have you tried a different font? I don't know what's in windows 7, but I found DFKai-SB on my windows vista system and it works nice at many different sizes.

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December 22, 2009, 03:47 AM

Hi bababardwan

Thanks for the swift reply, I cant acess that document as apparently I do not have permission. But by the sounds of it, you are suffering from the same thing?

Its a really strange one. It happens on really common words too, which lead me to think it may be a settings thing and not a bug. I would be surprised if it was missed, but this is microsoft were talking about i suppose!

What settings are you using? I'm wondering if it happens across the different inputs....

I'm using "Chinese traditional, Taiwan - new phonetic"

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December 22, 2009, 03:49 AM


That would make sense, I will have a look now and update with the results....

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December 22, 2009, 03:35 AM


hmm...Ok, new question hehe....anyone know how to insert a picture off your comp rather than a web address?

..I'm pretty sure you can't directly do that mate.You first have to upload it to a site like flickr and after that you can use the location there when inserting a pic here.

I'm using windows 7 and if you look at my doc here:

you'll see it is bolding certain characters for no apparent reason [I've only bolded a couple here and there..the rest were not my doing].I'm not sure if that happens in other platforms or not.

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December 22, 2009, 04:17 AM

Update.....I changed it in the browser and it was a marked improvement, thanks daniel70.

now to just find the system settings....

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December 22, 2009, 04:35 AM

hamshank: I'm glad I could help.

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December 23, 2009, 04:38 PM

I can't see your example but I've not noticed any bolding.

Did your machine come with Windows 7 or did you upgrade?   If the later make sure that the screen resolution you are using matches the resolution of the panel/ monitor you are using. Not doing this can lead to Strange thicknesses etc.

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December 24, 2009, 04:45 AM

Hi trevorb,

                thanks for the info...I think daniel70 hit the nail on the head with the fonts thing...I was also being a bit thick when trying to change the system font, not realising at the time that I should change the font on each individual program!...

Its all looking good now.

Thanks though

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December 22, 2009, 04:13 AM


I've had a look at the settings for the language input and in the fonts, cant seem to find out where you change it for the input though....I think I must be having an off day for working things out today!
