Flashcard Database Updates?
July 31, 2007, 02:54 PM posted in General DiscussionIt's been awhile since I last checked it.
Has the V2 version of the flashcard database been reinstated yet? Is it possible to search for non-lesson-related vocabulary to add to your personal CPod list?
Also, has anyone had any luck with the import function of the flashcards? If so, what programs are you importing from?
August 01, 2007, 12:02 AMWhen I had an active account I also toyed around with the sample, but got nowhere with it. Perhaps one of our admins could help out with this? I've got a great program which exports to a notepad file. If only I could import this type of file I'd be happy. =)

August 02, 2007, 02:10 AMKyle, not sure what you mean by the "V2 version of the flashcard database," but every user has a flashcard database that they can add to and that powers a number of review tools. Adding non-lesson-related vocabulary is currently only possible through the XML import, but we're working on making it easier. The XML import really isn't too hard. If you look at the sample XML you can see what fields need to be filled in (you can leave the audio file one blank). You can edit the XML in any unicode-aware text editor (including Notepad) just be careful of the encoding you use when you save (it must be UTF-8).
August 03, 2007, 11:56 AMAll right. I'll have to play around with this a bit. Also, by "V2 database" I was just refering to the massive database CPod had before V3 was introduced (the current version of the site). I believe it had somewhere in the ballpark of 15,000 entries. Basically, I just input into my CPod flashcard set all the words I was learning in my textbooks. I didn't have to track the word down in an existing lesson to add it (like we have to do now). I just used the database. It was FANTASTIC for quickly learning characters. I easily learned my first 1000 characters using that method within a few months. Since then, however, my character count has been increasing quite slowly. I'm still searching for a suitable replacement (or waiting for the feature to reappear). =/
August 03, 2007, 11:57 AMOh, and how do I save the file as UTF-8? Thanks john!
August 03, 2007, 03:06 PMIf by any chance you're using Windows XP, the "Save As" dialog box has an Encoding field at the bottom, which you can set to UTF-8.
August 06, 2007, 03:36 AMHi Kyle, Aeflow is right. Once you opt to save the file, there will be an encoding field wherein you can choose to save the file as UTF.
July 31, 2007, 04:50 PMI just tried to import, but noticed that it only accepts XML, which I'm not familiar with. Support for CSV files would be a nice addition, and more Help support on the corresponding help page (under Technical Questions) - it explains how to Export, but not Import. Also, in the Vocabulary module, there is a sample of the XML for importing, but I'm not clear how to use this as a template for importing lists of vocabulary.