Chinese companion

December 26, 2009, 04:34 PM posted in General Discussion

I shall be in/around Shanghai mid-March to end June. Trying to advance my - thanks to Chinese Pod, Elementary+ level. I am looking for a university level, middle aged cosmopolitan Chinese (male or female depending on sympathy and common interests only) preferably with very little or no foreign language knowledge to spend time with me at good food, drinking tea and chatting, at museums, listening to classic (european/chinese) music. All the good things in life. Eventually join me on some small travels..........I am Viennese, 60+, reasonably active, retired professor for ancient South Arabian languages, epigraphy and ethnology. I am in the grips of my children, grandchildren, former students, demanding young and old collegues. Unable to spend sufficient time on my hobby=Chinese. My trip to China is an escape. A successful idea would be highly appreciated and rewarded with a Shanghai dinner. Mail-contacts could be in Chinese - always considering my Elementary level.


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