This is the best place on the planet to learn Chinse

April 17, 2007, 06:55 AM posted in General Discussion

I started to learn mandarin from scratch on january 18th, 2007, using the Pimsleur method. Right now, I have completed level one and I am figthing with level 2.

 In the meantime, I have discovered Chinesepod, a great site.

One problem however : the servers at chinesepod are always down and most of the time, it is impossible to download the mp3s and even to listen to the lessons.

I am therefore hesitating in upgrading my suscription.

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April 17, 2007, 10:31 AM

We have just switched to much more reliable webhosting for our MP3s and PDFs: Amazon S3. The recent download issues are a side effect of switching to the new system. The downloads should work now, and will be much more reliable in the future.

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April 17, 2007, 02:35 PM

I know for a fact this is also the best place in the Solar System for learning Chinese. There is a little school based on Saturn's moon Titan that was nearly as good as V2. ;)