Different food in restaurants
March 22, 2010, 08:45 AM posted in General DiscussionI would be looking for a lesson containing the different kinds of meat, vegetables, mushrooms etc. which you commonly find on a Chinese menu. Beef, chicken, pork, lamb, mushroom, asparagus, broccoli could be some of the words.
Even though I searched the lessons I did not find one with all these words in it.
Can anybody help
March 22, 2010, 09:26 AMThe key to effective search is to use the expanded search capability and check the "search dialogue and vocabulary" box. Here's an effective way to search for Cpod lessons:
1. put your search term into the search engine. Push return. You'll get some search results.
For example, I searched on "meat", and got 4 of 1762 podcasts with "meat" somewhere in the lesson.
2. Click on Expand Search in red in the upper corner where you get "lesson search results".
clicking on expand search will bring up 5 check boxes, and you will find three of them checked. Place a check in the box marked "Lesson Dialogue & Vocabulary"
Place your search term in the dialog box and hit "search again".
You should see plenty of lessons, or Cpod doesn't have a lesson with this term.
So for example, doing an expanded search on meat showed 35 lessons.
Hope this helps.