The Drug Dealer: Part 2 - Redemption
August 16, 2007, 01:42 AM posted in General DiscussionHello Chinese Pod users
A few weeks ago user CHIP posted a continuation the the Zhang Liang, Lili story with the intent for it to be a story he would start and others would post continuations to. Seems like a fun experiment, in which I posted my own continuation to it, yet only Maxiwawa posted a response after that. I wanted to try my own little experiment. I happened to really like the story of the Drug Dealer and thought it would be fun to run a similar experiment.
So the rules of this experiment are as follows,
1) Please keep your additions to a reasonable length however, “reasonable length” is a very loose term, if you feel two pages is a reasonable length then by all means go ahead and post two pages. 2) Please try to keep your posts in story format as much as possible IE: Prose and Dialogue not just dialogue (this makes the story easier to follow for the reader) 3) Please avoid making comments about the story's development on this board as we don't want the flow of the story to be interrupted by user comments. 4) As much as possible, try and keep the tone of the story uniform, in other words if the story starts off in a serious direction, please don't post something rediculous just to lampoon the story (however interjecting humour is quite welcome), PLEASE NOTE: If all you can think of is a silly addition to the story, don’t be afraid to post it, as I would rather have posts, then NOT have posts. 5) Even if you envision your post ending the story, keep the story open ended to give as many people a chance to post as who want to.
For all you aspiring writers out there, here is a chance to simultaneously exercise your creativity and your Chinese! For those of you who feel the level of your Chinese still leaves a little something to be desired I ENCOURAGE you to post as well EVEN IF IT'S JUST ONE OR TWO SENTENCES this is just an exercise, not Bill Shakespere. (or even 孙子 for that matter).天特别黑有下雨的晚上一辆警车在警察局的后边停止了。 毒贩子, “唐康瑞”被警察的抓出来了。 唐康瑞感觉到细雨绵绵的雨水漏到他眼睛里但是他无所谓,唐康瑞就知道以后他很久不在能感觉到雨水碰到他连的感觉了。 他就想要欣赏这很短的时刻。 唐康瑞转身看警车的灯节奏的回转。 光线闪了他的眼睛,他像做梦似的听到警察对她喊,“嘿,你赶快转身看前边”,唐康瑞一回头特别明亮的又闪了他眼睛,他不得不把眼睛闭上然后警察把他拽到警察局里头去了。
警察把唐康瑞抓到一张写字台前去。 作者在写字台后的警察疑问他,“你叫什么名”?
当时另警察把另外一个特别蓬乱的被告抓到他身后, 唐康瑞给拿个被告看了一斜视。
“算了算了!”警察对抓着唐康瑞的警察说, “这个人叫什么名字?”
唐康瑞看起来很没精打采的,站在他后边儿的神神道道的被告人不着刺耳的哈哈大笑起来, 说“唐康瑞?! 这么古老的名字啊, 你的爸爸妈妈特别喜欢瑞士吗? 爸爸妈妈觉得你很像瑞士人,是吧? 你这个瑞士人为啥没有金发, 也没有蓝蓝的眼睛呢?”
唐康瑞心想,“我一辈子人家就喜欢嘲笑我的名字。。。哎呀爸爸妈妈怎么不觉得唐康瑞这个名字很老呢? 也许爸爸觉得‘瑞’和英文的 ‘Ray’不是很像吗? 其实我觉得 ‘Ray’ 这个名字很酷! 哎呀原来卖给被人毒品只是为了能给家人的生活提高, 那么我无辜的意图啥时候变坏了呢? 哎。。。对了卖毒品根本就是坏事呀! 我咋地以为卖毒品的行业是高尚的呢?”
警察给唐康瑞的指纹录起来了。 唐康瑞心想,“我的生活就完了”!
一个身体壮的警察给唐康瑞拽到牢房里头去, 小瑞叫 ,“清点儿,清点儿!”在牢房里头转身一看警察把门关上而听见锁门的声音转发。 小瑞根警察问一下,“我可不可以用电话给我的太太打一个电话不让她担心我” 那个警察立刻就说,“不可以”
小瑞感觉没有力量的,慢慢蹲下。 突然他全球都变黑了!
唐康瑞在茂密的竹森林里漫步抬头一看细细的光线照耀下来,感觉到威风轻轻的吹他的脸。 慢慢他走到湖边看见他水灵的老婆在湖边躺着。 唐康瑞靠在她身边慈爱的轻轻的跟她接吻, 然后亲亲她的鼻子,得想个眉毛,脸皮都要给亲一亲,然后她躺在小瑞的穷上说,
“嘿,老公阿! 你什么时候能给我买戒指? 一个已经结婚的女孩怎么可以没有戒指呢?”
小瑞考虑一下过一会儿说, “下个月吧”。
“那你怎么突然一下有那么多钱儿呢?” 太太问。
“你不用担心这个, 我的朋友给我介绍很好的卖货品的机会小瑞?”
“那算了! 我不需要! 要是我们能量入为出就行了!”
唐康瑞的太太叹了个息然后又在小瑞的身上躺着快要睡着,可是小瑞一直心想,“我得给我亲戚提高的生命质量! 就是我的责任!”
从半意识状态中,唐康瑞听到怪怪的声音正在叫他睡醒,“小瑞,小瑞阿,嘿小瑞士人阿! 你能睡醒吗? 小瑞士,你要不要吃饭?”
“嘿,小臭瑞阿, 现在我们俩现在和租房子的人阿!”
January 03, 2008, 01:56 AM哎哟, This little exercise seemed like such a good idea at the time...oh well...没关系!