Previous Counseling

April 15, 2010, 06:06 AM posted in General Discussion
Previous Counseling
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October 22, 2009, 08:02 AM

Hi Charity, This is your first month plan. Hope you enjoy your studies!

Week Commencing: 10/22/2009
Week 1 
1. Intermediate - Family Life

2. Intermediate - Introducing Oneself to the Family

3. Intermediate - Baby Care

Week 2 
1. Intermediate - Sneezing

2. Intermediate - Going to the Dentist

3. Intermediate - Getting Your Hair Done

Week 3 
1. Intermediate - Shopping

2. Intermediate - My New MP3 Player

3. Intermediate - A Trip to the Dry Cleaner's

Week 4 
1. Intermediate - Washing Dishes

2. Intermediate - Simple Electrical Stuff

3. Intermediate - Buying Batteries


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June 28, 2010, 03:27 AM

Hi Grace-

Could you please add

Washing dishes

Getting your hair done

Family life

Baby Care


Going to the Dentist

 to my lessons?  I am also interested in some lessons about traveling, talking about different places around the world and how to ask someone to go out to eat with you.

Thanks for your help!

Charity Hepworth