载zai3 or zai4?

May 06, 2010, 01:54 AM posted in General Discussion

I konw that there are many Chinese characters having more than one tone. And I don't know to pronunce which tone in a certain case, especially the character of "载(zai3/zai4)". This character just drove me mad. And I hope someone will help me to distinguish the two tones of it.

Thanks very much!

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May 06, 2010, 02:14 AM

Maybe you can imagine,

Pronouncing the thrid tone is just like you climb down a mountain and then climb up.

Pronouncing the fourth tone is just like you climb down a mountain all the way.


Keep practicing. I hope it will help

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May 06, 2010, 02:23 AM

I suggest you trying Tone Practice( Tools- addons- Tone Practice ) to help you pronounce tone accurately.

Tone Practice will draw out your tone curve so that you can see your tone alongside the standard one system gives. In this way, you can gradually grab the feeling of the correct tone pronunciation.


Hope it helps.


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I used Tone Practice, but I didn't find it so useful as you say. Sometimes I said correctly, but the system told me I was wrong. Frustrated!

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May 06, 2010, 07:18 AM

I used Tone Practice, but I didn't find it so useful as you say. Sometimes I said correctly, but the system told me I was wrong. Frustrated!

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June 04, 2010, 03:30 AM


 original meaning is carry goods or people by vehicle,so there is 车 in the character the pronunciation of the words which is connected with carry is zài, e.g. 载重carrying capacity 超载.overload 载体medium,载歌载舞singing and dancing joyously is alszài, in 载歌载舞, 载 is a auxiliary word


zǎi 1year  一年半载in a year or a half year or more;   三年五载a few years  千载难逢difficult to meet in a thousand years;,千载难逢is used with the 机会chance

2record    记载record   连载publish in instalments    转载reprint sth. that has been published elsewhere;