Bookmarking Lessons

May 11, 2010, 03:27 AM posted in General Discussion

Hi - does anyone know of an easy way to transfer lessons from 'Added by Group' to bookmarking the actual lesson? And it seems new lessons ie: added by group, don't automatically go into my itunes as before....




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May 11, 2010, 05:44 AM

Hi. I don't know what you define "easy" but the easiest way I can think of is opening the lesson and clicking on "Bookmark this lesson".

As for your iTunes issue. If you haven't done already, check if your Lesson Feed Adresse is still the same as in iTunes (it might have changed, it contains the word "dashboard" now). When iTunes didn't download my new lessons anymore, I copied the link from my feed settings and subscribed to a new podcast with that link. That solved the problem for me. The other podcast still downloaded lessons off and on, so I unsubscribed that one.

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May 11, 2010, 09:10 AM

Hi - Thanks for the help.  I manage to sort the Bookmark thing by clicking on the 'added by group' icon (It was a fluke!).  As for the itunes, I tried a couple of things but ended up transfering manually (!?!)  I remember before I cut and paste an address before the new dashboard, but looked for a new address or link but couldn't find it - any clues as to where I could?


Thanks again,

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May 12, 2010, 02:30 AM

You can find the feed link here:

Go to the "Home" section so that you see your active lessons. On the upper right of the "My lessons" box there are two symbols, the left one is for your personal lesson feeds and the right one is for your feed settings or something. Click on that right one (it looks like a gear wheel) and that should lead you to your feed settings, where you will find the address. :)

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May 12, 2010, 09:10 AM

Thanks again...