grammar HELP
June 17, 2010, 02:41 PM posted in General DiscussionCan someone please explain how to use the resultative endings? Is there an easy way to help understand how to use them? Things like: 看不清楚﹐跑不快﹐ 走不到﹐ 看不到﹐ 去不了﹐拿不動﹐etc., etc., etc.
June 18, 2010, 06:59 AMUsually, when expressing that there is no ability to do or complete some action, the pattern "verb+不+verb/adj."can be used。
For example:
老师,你写的字太小了,我看不清楚。Lǎoshī, nǐ xiěde zì tài xiǎo le, wǒ kànbuqīngchu.
你快跑吧,我跑不快。Nǐ kuàipǎoba, wǒ pǎobukuài.
太累了,我走不到车站了。Tài lèile, wǒ zǒubudào chēzhàn le.
在哪儿,我怎么看不到?Zài nǎr, wǒ zěnme kànbudào?
我明天有事儿,去不了了。Wǒ míngtiān yǒushìr, qùbuliǎo le.
太重了,我拿不动。Tài zhòng le , wǒ nábudòng.