how to go to flash cards?

January 01, 2008, 02:47 PM posted in General Discussion

hello, I'm a French newcomer, and I have a free trial... I am very interested, but I can't find the way to go to the flash cards...

Then I don't understand whitch link I have to click on to save the audio lessons on my computer as there are several ways to do it... MP3 etc...

These lessons are the best I've found on the internet.

Thank you, Evelyne

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January 01, 2008, 02:58 PM

Many things are explained in the "help" section. To get to flashcards click on vocabulary from the home page. (top right under quick links) There you will find flashcards. (upper left of page is a menu) You will need to have words in your vocab list to use flashcards. They can be added from the lesson vocab or from the dictionary which is also accessible from the home page. Right click on any of the mp3 files and you can save to your computer. Yes - these are the best, and they continue to get better. Good luck.

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January 01, 2008, 11:04 PM

Eureka! very good explanations! thanks a lot!