Group 长 (cháng, zhǎng, zhàng)

July 13, 2008, 03:10 PM posted in General Discussion

Motivated by Lesson: E0789 最低工资

Taken from character: 胀

Taken from word: 通货膨胀 (inflation)


( )

Pron: zhàng

Main radical:

Frequency: 2083

Meaning: to swell, swollen

Examples: 通货膨胀 (inflation); 胀大 (to swell); 胀起 (bulge)

( )

Pron: cháng, zhǎng, zhàng

Main radical:

Frequency: 109

Meaning: length, long, forever (cháng), grow develop, chief, head (zhǎng)

Examples: 班长 (class monitor), 部长 (head of state); 年长 (senior) 长大 (grow up), 波长 (wave length);

( )

Pron: zhāng, zhàng

Main radical:

Frequency: 318

Meaning: a measure word for flat things, to open up

Examples: 一张 (a sheet), 夸张 (to exaggerate), 开张 (open a business), 紧张 (tense, nervous), 慌张 (flustered)

( )

Pron: zhǎng. zhàn

Main radical:

Frequency: 1803

Meaning: to rise: prices, rivers etc. (zhǎng), to swell (zhàng)

Examples: 涨价 (rise in price), 暴涨 (rise suddenly), 上涨 (rise, go upwards)

( )

Pron: zhàng

Main radical:

Frequency: 1603

Meaning: account, debit credit, curtain, tent,  mosquito net

Examples: 帐单 (bill, check), 帐户 (bank/computer account), 帐号 (account number), 转帐 (transfer money to/from account), 帐蓬 (tent), 蚊帐 (mosquito net)

( )

Pron: zhàng

Main radical:

Frequency: 2179

Meaning: account

Examples: 账单(bill), 账号 (account number), 账户 (account)

( )

Pron: chàng

Main radical:

Frequency: 3409

Meaning: regretful, upset, despair, depressed

Examples: 怅惘 (void, distracted, listless)


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