Group 亦 (yì)

July 14, 2008, 05:10 AM posted in General Discussion

Motivated by Lesson: F0792 马丁· 路德 · 金

Taken from character: 迹

Taken from word: 匿迹 (go into hiding)


( , )

Pron: jī, jì

Main radical:

Frequency: 1098

Meaning: footprint, mark, trace, vestige, sign, indication

Examples: 古迹 (historical sites), 神迹 (miracle), 手迹 (someones original handwriting or painting), 遗迹 (trace, vestige, remain), 踪迹 (track, footprint), 迳迹 (track), 匿迹 (go into hiding)


Pron: yì

Main radical:

Frequency: 886

Meaning: also, too, likewise

Examples: 亦即 (namely, that is)


Pron: yì

Main radical:

Frequency: 1847

Meaning: in sequence, orderly, abundant, graceful


Pron: yì

Main radical:

Frequency: 4421

Meaning: Chinese chess game


Pron: yì

Main radical:

Frequency: rare

Meaning: flowing like water


Pron: yì

Main radical:

Frequency: rare

Meaning: tent, canopy





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July 14, 2008, 07:12 AM


亦: originally this character meant "armpits"! (the two points indicating the locus under the arms of a man), which was borrowed -already in very ancient times - and used in the sense of a very frequent particule (xuci) having the same pronunciation and meaning more or less "equally".