Nude and Food : Vegetarian posters

June 28, 2008, 06:57 AM posted in General Discussion


2008年06月28日   红色   橙色   

曾黎“素食”写真 挑战性感极限

曾黎“素食”写真 挑战性感极限



曾黎“素食写真 挑战性感极限写真 xiězhēn n. portrait
挑战 tiǎozhàn n./v.o. challenge
性感 xìnggǎn n. eroticism
极限 jíxiàn n. limit/maximum
曾黎写真全裸出镜全裸 quánluǒ nude
出镜 chūjìng v.o. appear on camera
《天下美食杂志为曾黎拍摄了一组以“素食5色”为题概念性感大片,曾黎用出色的表演横跨素食性感”这两极。以全裸形象宣传素食的曾黎,躺在红辣椒上面好比好莱坞电影《美国丽人海报,手托橙色西红柿的曾黎,性感丝毫猥亵概念 gàiniàn n. concept
出色 chūsè s.v. splendid
横跨 héngkuà v. stretch across
两极 liǎngjí n. two extremes
好莱坞 Hǎoláiwù Hollywood
丽人 lìrén n. a beauty
海报 hǎibào n. poster M:份/张
橙色 chéngsè n. orange color
丝毫 sīháo adv. in the slightest degree
猥亵 wěixiè s.v. obscene; lewd
新闻拍摄 pāishè v. take (a picture); shoot (a film)
癌症为题 wéití v.o. (take) as a topic
宣传 xuānchuán n./v. propagate; disseminate
杂志 zázhì n. magazine; journal; periodical
食品美食 měishí n. delicious food; table delicacies
素食 sùshí n. vegetarian diet
红辣椒 hónglàjiāo n. red pimento
西红柿 xīhóngshì n. tomato M:个/只

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