DaYoung & HyeRi

May 16, 2008, 04:13 PM posted in General Discussion

Well, its been a long time to finish reading scrip... :) okay, i jst wanna make sure that 6 characters' relationship clearly. (u know, it's bit complicated...) Before that, im jst wondering that are JingJing, Lili...etc those kind of names a nickname? what do you think?

Okay, let me talk abt the relationship..

ZhanLiang & Chenli (Lili) = Lovers Chenli(Lili) & ChenJing (JingJing) = Old Friend ZhangLiang & ZhenHua = Friend ChenLi(Lily) & LiuXiang = Ex-Lovers.(?) ChenJing (JingJIng) & FeiFei = Friend ZhanLiang & FeiFei = Business partner and......future lover??????? may be?? no??? whatever. :) haha

neyways, this is what my understanding of the characters, lets talk abt the story later... Find anyone like LiuXiang......a millionaire!!! only 30yrs old!!.........................hahaha...........:)

neyway, c u hyeri.

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May 19, 2008, 06:08 AM

ye.. hi Da yong sorry about late reply .. anyways lets talk about it. First of all, LiLi and ZhangLiang are couple, and they met online first. I tihnk LiLi is bit shy. She doesn't express much to ZL that she likes him. ZL is so sweet~ he says so many sweet words to her :) Jealous that LiLi is still pretty although she doesn't put on make up!!!

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May 19, 2008, 06:20 AM

There is new face coming up! Chengjing.. but I think she is so overacting lol anyway I think when ZL says "CJ doesn't need to be on diet", LiLi might have felt a bit...jealous? angry ? something like that ~ coz...girls...although they don't express directly, they feel bad when somebody, especially my boyfriend says another girl pretty..or slim or wateva...~~ is it just me ? lol

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May 19, 2008, 06:23 AM

Is ZL sweet? he need be charismatic!!kk well, i agree he likes Lily very much...u know, when they go shopping together, they had a little arguement (actually Lily was angry by herself) but at the end, LZ apologize her first,, well, even thoug i am a girl, i even understand LZ's mind than Lily's. I could feel LZ always worried that he might lose her and especially he realized LiuXiang was Lily's ex-boyfirend.! In my opinion, i prefer a rich guy(like LiuXiang) rather than toooOOOOoooo ramantic gut....(LZ).kkk what abt ya?

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May 19, 2008, 06:24 AM

omg shopping!!!! my favourite, we should go shopping someday together~~ DDA yong!! lol

those conversations reminded me of me and my I go....look around for so many hours, end up buying just one ?or nothing boyfirned got pissed off with me and we.... chui le oneday because of that I was so so so so os os os angry!! and said to him Chui le ~ you know ?lol hehe but .... I do agree with how boys would think :)

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May 19, 2008, 06:26 AM

ye... the old one...30 year old millionaire~~ I could buy wateva I want... lol haha I think..... dunno.... materialism.....thats the I think..... the girl FeiFei ,,, she's working on ZL bi~atch~ I hate that kinda girls or about u??!! lol which one do you support? LiLi with ZL? FF with ZL ?

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May 19, 2008, 06:30 AM

i think ZL is not confident enough.. he shouldn't be that depressed with the x boyfriend of LL. If FF goes really serious, I think...... ZL might fall in love with her :) coz he is kinda ..... thinkin that he is not suitable to LL. dun like that kinda boys..have to be confidnet about himself!!!!

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May 19, 2008, 06:32 AM

and FF says to ZL something like "you are perfect!!! ".... I think boys would love to hear that kind of things.. I dun like FF anyway ..... is flirts going on ??? ~~ wooo~~~~

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May 19, 2008, 06:35 AM

hahaha. im pretty different to any other girls...i don't like spend much time to walk around shopping centre, so i havn't go shopping with my boyfiend....kkkk neyways, im starting to doubt CJ love for ZL. well, in the scrip, it seems to CJ jealous Lily coz she thought she lost her old best firend. but as i reading over and over, i could feel that CJ has another feeling of LZ, not only for jealous Lily. The most thing that i dont understand is when CJ ask FeiFei to express her mind to ZL. How can be like that!!!! That's not the FRIEND.!! CJ thinks Lily as a RIVAL not as friend....kk

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May 19, 2008, 06:56 AM

OMG so u thinkg LZ could betray Lily coz of FF??????????????? no way!! dont ignore man's firm and SRONG love. it would never move coz of a slight wind. lol i trust him..he gonna reject FF.................. u know, i jst said i prefer millionaire than romantic gut...............but i still trust LZ's love for Lily.....hahah

but as ZhenHua's advice, LZ shoud never let his guard down of Lily... he could me lose her.... OMG OMG OMG

neywayz. we need to end up our dicussion...... i don't know it could be enough to show our understanding... overall all, its bit weird that most characters express strighforword...but on the other side, i think i could be realistic in our lives.....

well, im so excieting to know what happens next........ zai you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!