Lesson 637 Basic Shapes

September 07, 2008, 02:12 PM posted in General Discussion

Was reviewing Lesson 637, Basic Shapes, and all the comments that follow. Left feeling a little confused on how to say "a square" (noun) vs. "square shaped" (adjective) as well as "a rectangle" (noun) vs." rectangular" (adjective) and similarly, "a triangle" (noun) vs. "triangular" (adjective). here are my guesses.

"a square" (noun): 一个 正方形

"square shaped" (adjective):正方形 

"a rectangle" (noun): 一个方形

"rectangular" (adjective):方形 

"a triangle" (noun): 一个三角形

"triangular" (adjective):三角形

In the dialogue, is 方 just short for 方形 ?

Thanks. AY

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