
December 07, 2008, 10:06 PM posted in General Discussion


I couldn't find it mentioned anywhere on ChinesePod, and so I had to spread the word about this tool for learning to write characters, that John recently mentioned on Sinosplice.

It's amazing!  It is highly interactive, and fully automates the learning process.

One thing I love about it is that you don't need specialized hardware like an IPhone or a SmartPhone or Nintendo DS or a Wacom Tablet: a computer with a regular mouse works great!

On the Skritter website, they call ChinesePod  "the best online service we've found for learning spoken Chinese."  I wholeheartedly agree with that: I'm a huge ChinesePod fan!  But, I'll say that IMO Skritter is the best online service I've found for learning written Chinese.  Of course, the two complement each other perfectly!

What do you guys think?

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December 07, 2008, 10:29 PM

I've new to Skritter and have to say that I'm enjoying it so far. Seems very well designed. The developers are also very quick to respond to feedback.

I'd like to see this implemented on the iPhone (or else I feel like getting a tablet) because drawing with the mouse feels just wrong. Despite this though, it is brilliantly implemented.

Another feature I'd like to see, is the ability to import a wordlist to study. I'd love to use Skritter to practice writing characters and Anki to practice recognising them.

Great find.

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December 09, 2008, 12:04 AM

In my opinion, even better than letting us add characters manually, it would be great if they collaborated with Praxis to have a word list corresponding to each ChinesePod lesson, and automatically add those that you are currently studying on ChinesePod, and review those that you previously studied.

(sorry for all the exclamation points, I am really excited though)