《赢在中国》 成功就是天上掉馅饼

February 15, 2009, 09:12 PM posted in General Discussion

How would you translate 读了是白读 ?

Studing us useless


What you studded was studded in vain

Ps: The debates of this 赢在中国 CCTV program are a bit outdated now but still really interesting.

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February 20, 2009, 04:15 PM

读了也白读: Reading is really a waste of time  .they are not useful or no place can be used.

but i think 严介和(yanjiehe)is Self-contradictory.he was a teacher once.In what  he said he could use a lot of  ancient Chinese proverb article flexiblely 。His success is related  to what he learned from books  closely