Two random grammar questions

December 17, 2009, 01:49 AM posted in I Have a Question

A Chinese student said to me the other day "almost new".  I got to thinking, how would I say that in Chinese?  I think I would say, 崭新差不多.  However, can I say 几乎新的? 

I sometimes want to express something similar to this: "I aleady have five of them."

Which is right:

  1. 我已经有五个了。
  2. 我已经有了五个。
  3. 我已经有了五个了。

This really is another 了 question.  I know that 已经 and 了 go hand-in-hand, but because I read before that 了 generally does not go with 有 to express completed action as 有 is a state and not an action, I am not sure what to do with the 了.

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December 17, 2009, 02:44 AM

"almost new" 

你可以理解为 "差不多是全新的",or "几乎是全新的""几乎是崭新的"



  1. 我已经有五个了。
  2. 我已经有了五个。
  3. 我已经有了五个了。




不过我们通常会选择说,"我已经有5个了" ,

hihi ,大家都选择最简短的说法.

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December 17, 2009, 03:07 AM



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December 17, 2009, 05:36 PM

呵呵 你3个都对。。在中国通常说我已经有5个了。。。上面yuanyun说的很好我想她是个中国人。xiaophil 你好!!你的专业是中文吗?很高兴认识你。。我会常来这里的。如果你需要帮助可以留言我来帮你一一解答。。