
February 03, 2010, 05:38 AM posted in General Discussion

Hi to fix wlcp for the latest changes:

in file

search "signout", replace it with "Sign out"

in file

search line:

'get_title = re.compile('<h1><a href.*?>(?P<level>.*?)</a> -\s*(?P<name>.*?)\s*</h1>')'

replace with

get_title = re.compile('<h1>\s*<a href.*?>(?P<level>.*?)</a> -\s*(?P<name>.*?)\s*</h1>')


Thats all folks.

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February 03, 2010, 11:52 AM

I'm unable to find the line you quote for the I've searched for that line using Wordpad, it says it's not there.

I couldn't find the other one (the "signout") either, until I remembered I'd edited that file as ajaja recently suggested. I replaced the edited file with the original and found "Signout", (not "signout".) Changed it anyway.

Needless to say it's still not working for me.

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September 11, 2010, 07:30 PM

The URL for the log-in page has moved. Change "https" to "http" (so that the URL becomes in and you will be able to download lessons again.

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February 03, 2010, 02:09 PM

Also not fixed for me. It logs in, asks for a lesson name, and then gives this:

Downloading lesson HTML data...

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "./", line 443, in


File "./", line 263, in main

title_and_level, lesson_desc, base_url, xml, vocab_mp3s, dia_mp3s, exp_mp3s = lesson_xml(lesson_name, vocab_trad, vocab_simp, dia_trad, exp_trad, disc_trad)

File "/home/foo/Chinese/chinesepod/wlcpod/", line 250, in lesson_xml

title, desc, base_url = lesson_params(disc_html)

File "/home/foo/Chinese/chinesepod/wlcpod/", line 235, in lesson_params

title = (lambda x: '%s (%s)' % ('name'),'level')))(

File "/home/foo/Chinese/chinesepod/wlcpod/", line 235, in

title = (lambda x: '%s (%s)' % ('name'),'level')))(

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'

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February 03, 2010, 02:28 PM

Added the backslash. Fixed, fixed, fixed!

matthiask, I'll remember you. Thank you.

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February 04, 2010, 12:36 AM

OK then, great work mathiask, it's working again. 非常感谢!

I'm still using ajaja's edit of the netops file though.

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February 04, 2010, 02:51 AM

one more: CPOD also changed the expansion page: To fix the xml file, search for

break_expansion in and replace the next two lines with this:

break_expansion = re.compile(r'(<h3>.*?</h3>)|(<button.*?</button>.*?</div>.*?</p>)', flags = re.DOTALL)
break_expansion_sentence = re.compile(r'(<h3>(?P<exp>.*?)</h3>)|(<button.*?url=(?P<mp3>.*?\.mp3).*?</button>.*?\s*(?P<words>.*?)\s*<br />.*?(</p>|<span\ id=.*?>(?P<idiomatic>.*?)</span>))', flags = re.DOTALL)

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February 04, 2010, 03:20 AM

matthiask, got your pm, if you have a google account I can add you as an administrator on or if you just send me a zip file containing the update i'd be happy to post it for you.

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February 03, 2010, 02:07 PM

tal, just search for get_title. the line should be quite at the beginning. there is a formatting error here on the site. the changed line should have a backslash in front of the bolded s

get_title = re.compile('<h1>\s*<a href.*?>(?P<level>.*?)</a> -s*(?P<name>.*?)s*</h1>')

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February 04, 2010, 02:01 PM

Anyone else finding the expansion fix still has a problem? (Namely, only 1 sentence from each group of 3 is processed?)

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February 04, 2010, 02:51 PM

You are right. only one sentence, some other artifacts. I have to look into it once more :( - sorry WLCP is a new piece of software for me. Trying to understand it while fixing is not always optimal.

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February 04, 2010, 03:07 PM

Hey Matthiask,

By coincidence I've been working on this at the same time. If you want to send me a pm with an email address, I can email my py files to you, you can diff them with what you've got, and take whatever is useful. My version addresses this issue, and a vocab issue. I'm not a python coder though, so I apologize in advance for coding style, etc.

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February 24, 2010, 08:14 PM

Does this fix still work?

I'm still getting an error and WLCP will automatically shut down - even after performing all of your changes.

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April 16, 2010, 04:16 AM

dreiundzwanzig: It seems that the login form's action and input fields have been updated, so those need to be updated in as well.

If you search for "logged_in_page = get_html" (without quotes) and replace that line with:

logged_in_page = get_html(u'', data = urllib.urlencode({u'email':email, u'password':password, u'authenticity_token':authenticity_token}))

you should be able to log in and download lessons if you've made matthiask's changes above. Remember to put a tab in front of that pasted line if there isn't one, because Python is picky about whitespace.

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May 10, 2010, 08:06 AM

Hi guys, new WLCP user here. Just applied all the fixes mentioned above, and it seems to be running without any issues. Thanks for all your hard work!

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February 04, 2010, 07:13 AM

andrew, sent you another one ;)