Two 了s

June 08, 2010, 11:16 AM posted in Grammar Questions
Hiya I posted this in a lesson conversation, but it didn't get picked up by staff. I found the sentence 我忘了买肉了 - wǒ wàng le mǎi ròu le - "I forgot to buy meat". Why are there two 了 in this sentence? Would 我忘了买肉 not suffice? or 我忘买肉了? Could someone explain?
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June 08, 2010, 11:22 AM

Oh my god! What the hell happened? How do I delete the other 9 versions of this post?????

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I can't?! Why can I not delete my posts?! Help!

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Christ. Really sorry everyone.

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p.s. Cpod. You REALLY need to sort out how to delete your own posts. Seriously. And you're getting rid of the "posts" page? Are you crazy?

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didnt you use the pencil icon to delete? see catherineem's post. or maybe the crap board striked again!

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You can only delete comments, not original posts :-( The pencil icon just takes you to the "edit post" page, which doesn't seem to have an option to delete. Unless I missed it.

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I just posted under your other comment but I'll say it here too:

We know this is a problem and we are working to make sure users have the publish/unpublish on their edit post page. This is being worked on as we speak and will allow users to delete their posts. Thank you for your patience.

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The accidental posts have been cleared.

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我忘了买肉了 "忘" is a special verb, the first "了" like a "complement" and don't indicate "completed", so we need a "了“ at the end of sentence.

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Thanks for the update Catherine!

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Thanks for the help lujiaojie - so 忘 always takes 了? Much appreciated!

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Not always. You can say:


我忘买肉了 also good.

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Oh. I'm confused now. So it's optional?

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我忘(了)带钥匙了。我忘(了)买东西了。 The first 了 can be omit.