User Comments - IronRiceBowl
Posted on: That NBA Game! 望梅止渴
May 31, 2016, 02:20 AMThe translation for 季后赛 should be "post-season" or "playoffs", not "season".
Posted on: Buying Makeup
June 03, 2015, 05:38 PM
Here is a link to Fiona's other makeup video. At 2:33 there is an explanation on 液。
Posted on: That NBA Game! 望梅止渴
May 31, 2016, 02:35 AMMy take on it is this:
状元身份 here means "the first pick in the draft" because 状元 always means "the first/best in something", and 身份 shows that Yao Ming has a certain status. 以 is a preposition which here means "by" or "with". It was all in the context of him joining the rockets which is why 状元身份 can translate to "first pick" without explicitly saying it.
状元 is used in the other contexts to mean the "top scorer on an exam" or "the best in a particular field of study".