User Comments - Kderek

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Posted on: Online Bidding
September 01, 2015, 01:18 AM

First, Gwilym, I think you do very well and try hard.  I can't see any native English speakers from any country having trouble understanding you.   I appreciate the Bridge Lessons highlighted/noted at the beginning. The first Elementary lesson I did was a higher Elementary level (i guess I did not see any note on it) and I thought there was no way I could handle going from Newbie to Elementary. I almost gave up, but after a little break I continued anyways and found that it was just the first one that I tied that was a much higher level.  Adding a filter might be a good idea so one can skip and also go back and easily find bridge lessons.


Posted on: Be Careful of Strangers
September 01, 2015, 12:59 AM

I had to smile when it says that someone should put their dog in the toilet. I think you get charged in Canada if you put your dog in the toilet. :) 

I did get the meaning, (and that it did not mean the dirty porcelain bowl of water), but it took a second. :)