User Comments - akalovid

Posted on: 晨型人
September 23, 2021, 07:25 PM你們說得沒錯。不過,早起的蟲被鳥吃!
Posted on: Annoying Phone Calls
April 06, 2013, 01:15 AM我沒辦法做那位中介給在德國人打電話。
Too bad I have no way of making these zhongjie call people in Germany.
It would be perfect for my Chinese practice.
I think I've found a way to scare them off :)
Posted on: Chinese Street Food (Part I)
April 05, 2013, 07:43 PMThank you! You mean the 呃, right. That lesson is really above my level, but I should listen more to these lessons. I think flowing Chinese is important for me now.
Posted on: Movie Theater Jabbering
April 05, 2013, 07:29 PMI can confirm that (about natives) as well.
It is only natural. When I say bu4 ke4 qi, or xie4xie I dont think about tones either. It becomes a remembered string. That's perhaps the only way to deal with it in real time.
Also, when I change the tone of bu4 or yi1, or a third tone, I can't think that fast consciously. The brain has to do it automatically by "instinct". When there are too many third tones or other changes combined (and sometimes in simple cases), I will think and fail.
Furthermore, Greek also has cases where the accent (non-tonal) of a syllabe, influences the preceding one. I can assure you we don't think about it. It just becomes part of what we think sounds right...
Posted on: Chinese Street Food (Part I)
April 02, 2013, 01:24 PM我明白了為什麼Cpod問我們 "Feeling hungry?"。
要是餓的人讀哪個對臭豆腐的讨论, 就一点食欲也没有!
Posted on: Chinese Street Food (Part I)
April 02, 2013, 12:57 PMDo you (or does anyone) know the sound Chinese make when disgusted?
Posted on: Tone Controversies
March 31, 2013, 01:13 PMThank you. This is gold. Especially cases like duo1/duo2 and when the change is more severe than just the tone!
Posted on: Snake's New Necklace
March 27, 2013, 07:06 PMJenny sounds cute teaching us ai1ya1 :) Also pointing out that you won't hear this in Chinese media.
教著'啊呀' 怎麼說Jenny聽起來很可愛 :)而且, 當她說'在中國媒介裏你找不到這個笑話'我玩得很好!
Posted on: 健康饮食
October 08, 2021, 08:39 AMYou could make some videos about intermittent fasting, One Meal A Day and other popular dietary regiments